Where the hryvnia falls and what will happen to the dollar. Not optimistic forecasts of experts

In the Ukrainian exchange dollar costs 28 UAH, and the Euro – 33 UAH. For the New year, the hryvnia has shocked Ukrainians by surprise and suddenly lost value.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
The hryvnia against the dollar and the Euro over the last five days has fallen in price by 50 cents. And this despite the fact that on the eve of the New year, the demand for foreign currency among the population is falling. On the contrary, people sell dollars and euros – to buy holiday gifts or travel. But in December, the course does not affect people, and single Treasury account. The taxes and other payments that the state spends.
“Managers’ budgets, especially local budgets, not used safely, shares, over the past few months the money, the money they have accumulated. Now they volley spend, so they don’t burn to the next year’s budget is not cut,” explains financial analyst Alexander Kramarenko.
Videopoem the national currency suddenly lost value
Snidanok 1+1
Today, 11:32
The market is oversaturated torque and it loses value. Expect that at the beginning of the year the hryvnia will be strengthened, not worth it. Winter enterprises is much less to sell abroad and not saturate the economy with dollars. And importers on the contrary aktiviziruyutsya and “suck” dollars from the market.
“Most likely, will be even slightly reduce, maybe even 28 (hryvnia per dollar), in January, for example. I’m not sure, but possible. It may be strengthening during the summer and again at the end of the year the decline of the hryvnia,” – says a financial analyst.
Therefore, the dollar UAH 26 is no longer seen. And according to analysts, the depreciation of the hryvnia, as always, will affect the prices that go up. This is especially true in the cost of fuel.
Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. In the state budget for the 2018 laid a course to 29.3 UAH per dollar.
Before the government announced such currency forecasts: the exchange rate of the hryvnia (average per year) in 2018 will amount to 29.3 UAH per dollar, in 2019 – 30.5 UAH per dollar in 2020 – 31 UAH per dollar.
Ukrainian business expects that in the next year, the exchange rate will be at 27 to 30 UAH per dollar. This is evidenced by the survey among entrepreneurs, held by the NBU.
Throughout its history, the hryvnia has set the record almost three years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to 30.01 UAH, and the Euro – 34,04 UAH.
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