Posed willingly, and he scratched on the tree: a Japanese zoo is the little Panda first came out

Little Panda bear from a Japanese zoo for the first time released to reporters.
Pandana in the name of Xiang Xiang was born in Tokyo zoo in the month of June, said in suhset TSN.Ranok. However, the animal still people did not show up.
See also:
In China, the first time to the public came from 36 small pendock
The kid willingly pose in front of the cameras and climbed up into a tree. Enjoy anderem everyone will be able today.
In turn, Xiang Xiang did not feel the stress from the large number of visitors, the administration of the zoo will allow you to visit her for only two and a half hours a day.
Recall that in YouTube gaining popularity video, in which employees of Chinese reserve dressed as pandas play with wedneaday.
Videosesso video as Panda happy snow blew Network
TSN. Wounds
30 Nov, 09:52
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