Rada adopted amendments to the legislation regarding the establishment of gas meters

In Ukraine due to uncertainty in legislation, gas companies began to establish communal instead of individual meters, without the consent of the residents. Guest house volumes of gas “scattered” on all apartments, regardless of whether the apartment has an individual meter. Who refused to communal counter, companies simply shut off the building gas. Soon the situation will change – the people’s deputies voted for changes to the legislation.
December 21, the Verkhovna Rada voted for a basis and in entirety the bill on amendments to the law of Ukraine “On ensuring the commercial accounting of natural gas” (No. 5722) regarding the installation of water meters for consumers of natural gas. “For” – 325 votes.
In the explanatory note to the bill there are three main innovations of the document:
– clearly defined that communal metering gas meter can be installed only with the consent of the apartment owners;
– provides the possibility of independent installation of individual gas meters to domestic consumers and compensation for such costs with funds that they paid for the natural gas operators of gas distribution networks;
– it is prohibited for operators of GDS on the termination of gas supplies to an apartment building failure to provide the owners of this house consent to the installation of communal gas meter.
We will remind, the residents of Zelenodolsk, Dnipropetrovsk, won a lawsuit against the gas company. Once in the house set the total counter, the numbers in the payment increased tenfold. First, the residents didn’t understand where such huge sums. It turned out, they actually paid for neighbors. The litigation lasted almost a year.
Videobrea the counter: the Dnipropetrovsk tenants won a lawsuit against gas company
Snidanok 1+1
December 18, 10:44
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