On the first day of the Christmas truce killed Ukrainian soldier

The Christmas truce came into effect with the onset of the Sabbath and significantly calmed the situation at the front. However, a fire in the area ATO has not stopped, says the story TSN.19:30.
All day, from 9:00 a.m., recorded several cases of discovery of fire from fighters and three sites on the boundary line close to Lebedinsky, Avdeevka and the arc Svetlodarsk. This relatively small activity was enough to take the life of one of the defenders of the country. December 23, killed 28-year-old soldier whose Mama didn’t even know that the son is in the area of ATO, because he didn’t want her to worry.
Videoroliki stand the silence mode only half of the day
At midnight in the East began the “Christmas truce”. About it agreement in Minsk representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE, three days ago. The world promised to be indefinite. However, at the headquarters of ATO reported that already in the afternoon, the militants fired at the Ukrainian positions on the arc Svetlodarsk.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:23
The soldiers explain the selective impact of the enemy provocation, the purpose of which is to cause a counter-APU fire. On the opposite side of the front is now missing OSCE observers, so the Pro-Russian bandits seek to put the Ukrainian army violated the agreements. That is why the military does not answer to any provocation. “The enemy has brought on the position of the sniper group, conducts provocative fire,” said the fighter with the Callsign “Prometheus”.
See also:
The first day of the “Christmas truce” action of the heavy mortar fire in Luhansk
Meanwhile, near the rear in the Bakhmut city held a handover ceremony of the Bethlehem peace light brought to Ukraine with the scouts. It will deliver across the region, and transfer to positions in the military.
The TSN reporter Eugene Zvecanska
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