Let the force be with you. Explain the coubs, how NOT to behave at the office party

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Finally, before the New year remained a matter of days and a festive mood permeated everything around. This suggests that now is a time of merriment, that is corporate events.
Let’s admit to ourselves that we are waiting for this day since the beginning of the year, but restrained himself, storing up energy and enthusiasm for major corporate parties.
Usually on new year’s corporate parties all splash out accumulated a year emotions and on the morning after the feast hide in the corners, so as not to be ashamed of everything that happened the day before.
Of course, what the corporate party without alcohol? But we know the best way it to withdraw quickly from the body – just keep in the pocket of Absorbing sachet is your best friend on holiday.
Well, given the bitter experience, we decided to remember the simple and basic truths that will save you from the debacle in the morning and you don’t have to hide his eyes to the floor. Let the force be with you.
1. Let’s start with the outfit. If you want to be the center of attention – of course such a suit would be ideal. But it is better not to take chances.
And if you have a costume party – catch the most original outfit
2. Arriving at the office party, remember that you’re not the only king at this party
3. Dance like nobody’s watching. Actually no. Better to dance be careful not to accidentally turn into one of them
4. And if the corporate will be the famous star, feel free to hop off at full
5. Tack between the camera lenses, not to become a hero of the most ridiculous photo or video. After all, then laugh all over Facebook and Instagram
6. Decided to drive up to a colleague or boss? Go ahead, go ahead! The main thing is not to overdo, not to look a little annoying
Don’t be afraid to make eyes at each other
7. Remember the main rule – shaken, not stirred? Now, don’t mix drinks, how would you it was fun
But if you come, don’t forget Absorbing sachet, which you carefully put before the party in a secure pocket.
8. At the party, anything can happen, even the most experienced “Vanga” will not be able to predict what will happen. For example, someone could conceivably grab your phone and call the police so the cops danced a Striptease. So keep your phone close and in a secluded place.
9. If you do not want to next year you have deprived of the award or lowered in grade, in any case do not include Despacito
10. Do not steal from your colleagues carefully left them on the morning of 100 grams of cognac. Remember, they were left to itself
But if you managed to break all the rules completely and make some noise for the glory, remember the unwritten rule, which will become your lifeline: everything that happened at the party happened at the party. And Yes, do not hesitate boss
And here’s the last bit of Christmas cheer from Vinnie Jones:
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