Incentive to quit Smoking. Cigarette again rose in price

Today, January 1, in Ukraine increased excise taxes on cigarettes. Respectively yourself of cigarettes will rise by 2 to 7 UAH, depending on the brand and manufacturer. By 2024, the average cost of a pack can cost 90 UAH.

This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.

Smoking in Ukraine have called the habit of the rich. Because one bundle is already an average of 30 UAH. That is, for a month for heavy smokers out of 900 UAH, and a year – 10,8 thousand UAH.

Until 2024, according to the Association agreement with the European Union, the cost of the excise tax will increase from 21 euros to 90 euros per thousand cigarettes. Accordingly, the bundle will cost no less than 90 UAH. Then, for the same number of Ukrainian cigarettes smoker will pay 32.4 thousand UAH for a year.

To avoid raising excise duty on cigarettes will not succeed. For the first time in the history of Ukraine in the Tax code prescribed the price increase is not for one but for seven years. By 2024 cigarettes in Ukraine will be equal in price with the rest of Europe.

Videoshoot cigarettes in 2018, will rise in price

Snidanok 1+1

15 December 2017, 11:32


  • cigarette
  • the excise tax

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