“Golden” eggplant and “unnecessary” garlic. What products and goods the most expensive and cheaper

For 2017 in Ukraine at the fastest pace in more expensive food, but cheaper – clothes, shoes, mobile phone, grapes, sugar, herring, and beans.
These days the national Bank of Ukraine.
In particular, the leader of the top-15 on the rising cost of eggplant – plus 207%. Also significantly added to the price of watermelons (plus 150%) and zucchini (plus 120%).
Most cheaper garlic (minus 36%), buckwheat (minus 29%) and salads (minus 19%).
The national Bank of Ukraine
Recall that consumer inflation in Ukraine up to 2017 was 13.7%.
“Inflation for the year have deviated from the target mainly due to factors for which the national Bank could not influence through monetary policy instruments. It is primarily about reducing the supply of certain goods due to adverse weather conditions in the first half of the year, the unstable situation in livestock production, increase in world prices and external demand for domestic food products (particularly meat and dairy groups). Also on the rise in prices affected by the increase in production costs, in particular labor costs, and the rapid recovery of consumer demand”, – explained in NBU.
Accelerated price growth for food products with a high degree of processing (especially dairy and meat products) as a result of the rise in price of raw materials as well as in response to significant volume of export of selected food products (in particular butter).
At the same time, the growth rate of prices of food commodities was lower than last year (a 3.3% yoy compared to 4.8% yoy). These non-food goods (clothing and footwear, household appliances, etc.) are mostly imported, and a slower growth of prices has occurred due to the favorable situation on the foreign exchange market during the greater part of the year, restrained inflation in the countries trading partners.
The national Bank also noted that inflation in Ukraine was higher than its forecasts.
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