The conflict of the family of the Deputy and the businessman-sponsor of the separatists, which was preceded by a fire in a historic building in the center of Kiev

After a fire in the street of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev police opened criminal proceedings, but officials now think how to get emergency house in the state. The building survived two world wars, are now dying under the onslaught of modern re-enactors, says the story TSN.19:30.
The monument in the center of Kiev in recent years has experienced several accidents. By coincidence, two years before there was a fire in the building next to the five-storey Annex, there was a collapse of all floors. Then, under the rubble killed two workers who worked inside and in spite of the scale and publicity, the point in this case has not been set.
Videocha, and MPs are thinking how to bring the emergency building in the center of Kiev in the state
After a fire in the house on the street of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev police opened criminal proceedings. Officials are now thinking about how to return the house in the property of the state. By coincidence, two years before there was a fire in the building next to the annexe there was a collapse of all floors. Despite the scale and resonance, point in this case is still not delivered.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:17
The story twists and turns of the house lasted for the second decade. In 2003, the Shevchenko district administration to bypass the city entered into a contract with the company “Geoinvest”, the head of which at that time was Irina Boyko – the wife of the Deputy Viktor Boyko. The condition was that the company will invest in the reconstruction of the building. The apartment was resold four firms, in the end of the apartments was bought by businessman Yevgeny Kazmin. It was created by the home owners Association and between casilinum and Boyko had a conflict. “They began among themselves to distribute the property – someone wanted something more to take away” – says the expert of the Department of inspection of state control of cultural heritage and archaeological supervision of the Department of culture KSCA Vartan Azatyan.
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The fire in the center of Kiev was extinguished four hours
Irina Boyko really complains Kazmina. “Owner Kazmin Evgeny Vasilievich, who does not want to build this house, does not want to, he wants to demolish it,” says co-owner of the house. She believes that the fire was not accidental, and due to the fact that the condominium started the reconstruction. Two years ago, reconstruction began Kazmin, but was found for this case the foreman with his subordinates began the dismantling of structural – then the ceiling collapsed. The superintendent was arrested, he is not guilty and argued that strictly adhered to the terms of the contract. Law enforcement officers claim to have tested all of them, including company-ordered it works but sufficient for the nomination to the suspicions of the amount of evidence is not received.
The Kazmina were detained, but not for breaking with the house, and for the financing of separatism – as it turned out, the businessman was built on the territory of the occupied Crimea apartment complexes, apartments in which was subsequently granted by the FSB and the Crimean militiamen. The suspect was taken into custody, but after a few months the case was closed, and Kazmina released. TSN tried to contact the businessman, but the phone he did not answer.
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Firefighters called the probable cause of large-scale fire in the center of Kiev
In the mayoralty assert that in any case will not allow you to build on the site of the historic home something new, but how to bring the emergency construction in state property, I don’t know. City officials put the blame on the Central government – in particular, the Ministry of culture. They call it the competence of municipal officials. “As a monument of local importance, the initiative of the local, Kiev on the protection of cultural heritage”, – said the Deputy Minister of culture Tamara Mazur.
The TSN reporter Anton Strashko
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