Crimes against Maidan investigating Prosecutor, which involved the arrests of protesters – media

The Prosecutor Pavel Golovko, which in 2014 went to court against the activists of the revolution of Dignity works in the Department of special investigation GPU and investigates crimes against the Maidan.
This is stated in the investigation, “Prosecutors of the Maidan” for the program “Nashi Groshi”.
See also:
Gorbatyuk accused Poroshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko and was involved in delaying the investigation of crimes against Maidan
Journalists reminded that the Prosecutor Golovko spoke out against activists of the Maidan Novel Isiscolo and Edward Kryzhanivskyi.
Wife of Paul Head – Alina Golovko – also appeared in court against activists of the Revolution. Still under her maiden name Minchuk she petitioned for custody of 72-year-old pensioner Nikolay Pasechnik. In addition, the issue of a-Golovko January 25, asked the court to detain another activist Basil Slavinskogo.
Now Pavel Golovko is a senior investigator in the Department of special investigations of the GPU, which is engaged in investigation of crimes against the Maidan and Revolution. In his integrity he noted that he had not committed acts that would taint his or the Prosecutor’s office in General, and which would have forced to doubt his objectivity and independence. The same form was filled out and Alina Golovko, who is now working in Kiev the local Prosecutor’s office No. 6 (Pechersk district).
Head of Department Sergey Gorbatyuk explained that has a limited impact on recruitment in this unit. He added that he takes responsibility for the capture in the state of Paul’s Head.
Reporters also found that spouses in the current returns indicated a new property, acquired in June last year – two houses in the village of Velyka Buhaivka near Kiev. According to the program, the market price of such properties is not less than 1.3 million UAH. At the same time in the Declaration the value of the property is not specified. The monthly salary of the Prosecutor’s family is not more than 30 thousand hryvnia for one.
Last year in the Declaration Golovko pointed out that I have 1.3 million hryvnia in cash this year, their savings grew by UAH 100 thousand.
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