Humanoid robot with artificial intelligence at Davos jammed after the issue of corruption in Ukraine

Ukrainian Breakfast in Davos was held with the participation of the smart robot in the world in the name of “Sophie.” However, even the most perfect artificial intelligence could not answer the question of how to overcome corruption in Ukraine, says the story TSN.19:30.
“Sophie” created in the image and likeness of the famous actress Audrey Hepburn and is a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Humanoid robot is able to learn, support casual conversation, and in an interview promised to kill people, but then changed his mind and added that it was a joke. Now Sophie toured the forum in Davos and tried to answer the question that you need to do to overcome political corruption in the world and in particular in Ukraine. However, the word robot could not say – only machine cool head, led eyes and smiled. The engineer, who it serves, explained that Sophie could answer, but dont want to talk. On top of the robot suffered something like a nervous TIC, therefore, took the intervention of a kind of “massage”.
Videoscale known IMF conditions, without which there will be another tranche for Ukraine
Even the smartest robot in the world in the name of “Sophie”, who visited the Ukrainian Breakfast in Davos, organized by the Pinchuk Foundation, could not answer the journalist – how to overcome corruption in Ukraine. But, TSN journalists learned about the three conditions of the International monetary Fund, without which there will be another tranche for Ukraine and whether Poroshenko to run for a second term, and what can prevent.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:47
What hurriedly did not cope artificial intelligence, has not yet overcome the human. Corruption and slow reforms often vspominali participants in Davos, explaining why the world gradually gets tired of Ukraine. “Of course, the emotions that are connected with Ukraine, has decreased. But most importantly, the policy remains the same. I am even surprised that the European Union is seriously holds its position on sanctions against Russia”, – admitted the former President of Poland Alexander Kvasnevsky. And Deputy Director of the International monetary Fund David Lipton without diplomatic maneuvers called the conditions, without which will be no more financial assistance. “I think the three biggest things that government needs to do is to stop corruption, in particular to create a robust anti-corruption court and then with the help of the court to put an end to corruption. And the third is the land reform”, – he stressed.
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Poroshenko in Davos, said that it is working on changes to the bill on the anti-corruption court
President Petro Poroshenko has given to understand that a quick implementation of such conditions is not worth waiting, because the creation of a land market there is no support in the society, and privatization in question because of war and crisis. Whereas with the anti-corruption court will try to decide something in the near future. “We are not planning to stop even before the next election cycle. We continue our cooperation with the IMF. we had a great meeting and discussion of when and what needs to be done. Including the question about the anti – corruption court,” he said.
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Provocation in Davos: a journalist in the embroidery asked in Russian Poroshenko about the “law of war”
Time before the election, smaller, and observers concluded that the election campaign in Ukraine unofficially begins this fall, and there will be no reforms. Poroshenko himself from the question of whether he would run for a second term, evades, saying that depends on whether a successful next six months. “I think that now the West is looking for the answer to whether Poroshenko is the kind of candidate who will protect and preserve what has been done in three years, or will start to destroy it,” – said the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Mustafa Nayem.
The TSN correspondent Olga Koshelenko
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