In Ukraine want to limit the sale of home meat

From 1 January 2020 in Ukraine may limit the sale of uncertified meat’s received for implementation in the backyard as a result of slaughter in a slaughterhouse operating without a permit. Thus want to prevent the spread of particularly dangerous animal diseases, including African swine fever (ASF).
This follows from draft law No. 7489 “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine concerning improvement of measures to ensure traceability,” which on January 16, registered in the Parliament 12 MPs. This writes UNIAN.
“The draft law establishes requirements for traceability of food products, strengthen the responsibility of market operators to ensure traceability, development of backyard slaughter of animals to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases of animals and sampling for state control”, – stated in the explanatory note to the bill.
I want to introduce fines for violation of requirements to ensure traceability of food products of animal origin – from 30 to 50 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, it is now 510-850 UAH.
See also:
Ukrainians began to eat less meat, but more to export
If the bill is adopted, market operators will have to provide a document, which contains full information about the product: the name of a food product, dietary Supplement, flavoring, auxiliary material processing, the name and address of the production capacity and/or turnover indicating the number of the operational permit or registration number, the number and the volume (weight) of the party, the expiration date, references to sanitary measures, storage conditions, transportation and other conditions of detention, date of issue, name and signature of the operator of the market or the authorized person issuing the document, and other information necessary for traceability of the product.
The authors of the law say that the adoption of this document will improve the system of state control in the sphere of food safety with the requirements of the European Union, to introduce clear measures to track the movement of food products of animal origin, to organize the household slaughter of animals to prevent the spread of dangerous animal diseases, as well as to increase the level of protection of health and consumers ‘ interests.
Recall meat production in Ukraine in 2017 amounts to 3.26 million tons (in live weight), which is 0.4% less than in the same period last year. Such data are cited by the State statistics service. The Chairman of Gospodarevskaya Volodymyr Lapa said earlier that Ukraine in 2020 will lose more than $ 1.2 million pigs, or UAH 4 billion, and indirect costs will grow by 5-7,5 billion, if the current trend of distribution Achs will continue. According to open sources, last year in Ukraine were registered more than 150 outbreaks of ASF.
Meanwhile due to the expensive veal and pork Ukrainians go to the chicken.
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