The Verkhovna Rada appealed to the leadership of Poland because of the scandalous “antibanderovskie” law

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the President of Poland, the Sejm and the Senate to return to Ukrainian-Polish relations prudence and benevolence. Andrzej Duda asked not to sign the adopted law banning the “Bandera ideology”.
The corresponding decree “About the statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in connection with the adoption by the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland of amendments to the law on the Institute of national remembrance – Commission for the prosecution of crimes against the Polish nation and other legislative acts” Parliament has approved today, February 6. This writes UNIAN.
The statement said that the Verkhovna Rada with frustration and deep concern the decision of the Seimas of 26 January and the Senate of the Republic of Poland dated February 1, 2018, regarding the adoption of amendments to the law on the Institute of national remembrance – Commission for the prosecution of crimes against the Polish nation and other legislative acts, which introduces criminal liability for denying the so-called “crimes of Ukrainian nationalists” and provides a “biased and ahistorical definition of this concept that paves the way for manipulation and strengthening of anti-Ukrainian tendencies in Polish society.”
“Open dialogue and free exchange of views and academic freedom was under threat of criminal prosecution, which is incompatible with democratic values,” the statement says.
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Paruby called the Polish law banning “the Bandera ideology of” shot in the back Ukraine
Parliament categorically rejects and rejects the policy of double standards and the imposition of ideas of collective responsibility of the Ukrainian nation, and attempts of the Polish side to equate the actions of all of the fighters for independence of Ukraine in the crimes of two totalitarian regimes of the XX century – the Nazi and the Communist.
“The legislative changes are contrary to the content and spirit of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland and to the principles that were agreed upon by the parties, inter alia, in the Declaration of memory and solidarity of 20 October 2016,” the statement reads.
MPs recalled that in the Declaration the Parliament and the Polish Sejm noted the struggle of the Ukrainian and Polish national forces of anti-Communist resistance movement, which created the moral Foundation for the restoration of independence of our States. The Parliament and the Sejm of Poland also agreed on the need to enhance impartial historical research and the “forces of containment that lead to disputes in our States.”
“We must remember and pass on to future generations the truth about the real and not taken out of context the reasons that led to bloodshed between our peoples during the Second world war and in other periods of our history, and which had tragic consequences for our peoples,” – said in the Ukrainian Parliament.
As in the past and today “inciting conflicts between the traditionally friendly Ukrainian and Polish peoples in the interests of the common enemies of our statehood and sovereignty, which was the Nazi and Communist regime, and today – Russia is an aggressor and occupier”.
“Our biggest concern is the fact that the deployment of anti-Ukrainian sentiments and the creation of an atmosphere of pressure and intimidation can directly affect the rights and freedoms of almost a million Ukrainians who are migrant workers in Poland and work for its economic growth including” – drew the attention of Ukrainian people’s deputies.
See also:
“Bandera come – bring order”. In Kiev picketed the Polish Embassy
Parliament concerned about demonstrative acts of destruction of Ukrainian monuments in Poland, attacks on members of religious celebrations, members of the Ukrainian community in Poland, the prohibition of cultural events and chauvinistic rhetoric.
“The only objective, balanced and unbiased assessment of all the historical circumstances, the joint knowledge of the facts of history, the use of personal, not collective responsibility for crimes against humanity and war crimes that took place during the first half of the twentieth century, with due respect and equal concern with honoring the memory of all victims on the territory of both countries and sincere Christian forgiveness, which was called Saint John Paul II, will enable us to avoid mutual mistakes of the past and to build a strong and reliable strategic partnership between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, what is the key to peace and security throughout Europe and the world,” the statement said.
In the Verkhovna Rada noted that solidarity with the international community in the prevention of the denial of the crimes of the Holocaust, and urged the Polish side to be open and constructive in the further development of bilateral relations.
“We urge the President of the Republic of Poland to exercise their constitutional powers and, together with the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland to return to Ukrainian-Polish relations prudence, rationality and kindness,” the statement reads.
We will remind, the Polish Sejm and the Senate adopted the law on the Institute of national memory, which, in particular, provides punishment for “crimes of Ukrainian nationalists”. The law also introduced criminal liability for allegations of complicity of poles with the Nazis during the Second world war.
The Polish foreign Ministry stressed that the main purpose of the law “to combat all forms of denial and distortion of the truth about the Holocaust, as well as depreciation of responsibility of the real perpetrators of the crime”.
Video settings Poland, held rallies of supporters and opponents of the controversial “antibanderovskie law”
Nationalists urged President Andrzej Duda to sign the document, for which Poland is criticized in Ukraine, USA, OSCE and Israel. A tight cordon of police separated them from the other protesters. Opponents of the law the action called “lock nationalism.” They explained that they do not want to see on the streets of the Polish capital of Nazi and anti-Semitic slogans.
TSN. Rankas’
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