In Kiev have exposed businessman, who fictitiously married ex-officials of the Russian Federation in the search for Ukrainian

In Kiev said 40-year-old local resident on suspicion promoting the legalization of illegal in Ukraine five people who were in the international wanted list.
About it reported in a press-service of capital Prosecutor’s office.
“Citizens of the Russian Federation, which were in the international wanted list for committing grave and especially grave crimes, addressed to the individual with the aim of obtaining fake documents that were the basis for obtaining citizenship of Ukraine, in particular, documents about the alleged residence on the territory of Ukraine their relatives. After receiving the Ukrainian citizenship of these persons with the assistance of the suspect entered into fictitious marriages with citizens of Ukraine. At the same time to accelerate marriage registration in the territorial divisions of the registry office was given false statement about the alleged pregnancy of these women. Later in the month the marriage was terminated, and the persons remained in the names of fictitious wives” – has told about the scheme prosecutors.
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As noted, because of this wanted the Russians it was impossible to identify, and they were free to cross the state border.
According to prosecutors, the Kiev thanks to his scheme contributed to the illegal legalization in Ukraine 5 Russian citizens who were in the international wanted list. Among them the former head of the organization of logistics of the interior Ministry of the Russian Federation, assistant Deputy Minister of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and other persons.
Now he is charged with forging documents and smuggling people across the border.
In addition, during the investigation it turned out that the criminal scheme were involved in the worker of the structural departments of Ukraine, which contributed to the legalization of illegal fugitives.
“The verdict of the official have been found guilty under article 366 and part 5 article 27 article 358 of the criminal code of Ukraine. Materials about possible involvement in the crime other employees of GMS of Ukraine allocated in separate criminal proceedings”, – concluded the Prosecutor’s office.
We will remind, earlier the guards detained the Ukrainian who tried to export to Russia 10 foreign passports. A man was traveling by bus to Moscow.
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The Kyiv Prosecutor’s office
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