The militants were planning to fire at the settlements for “picture” for Russian media – the headquarters of ATO

In the next few days in the area of ATO in the Donbas the militants are preparing armed provocations – you want to fire, in particular, Dokuchaevsk and Novotroitskoe.

“According to available information, on the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions in the coming days may be armed provocation by Russian occupation troops, who can make units the so-called 5-th separate motorized rifle brigade in the area of human settlements Dokuchayevsk and Novotroitskoye. Under fire can get, as it has been repeatedly, houses, infrastructure, power lines, water and gas pipelines located on both sides of the demarcation line,” warns the press center of staff ATO.

These attacks will locking the Russian media.

“Crimes against humanity will be committed in the Russian media, to create a “fake” photo and video materials with the subsequent accusations and misinformation of the world community and OSCE representatives on non-compliance with subdivisions forces ATO ceasefire. Probably armed provocations the Russian occupation troops, with follow-up information attack of the Russian propagandists, related to holding, within the framework of the Munich conference 16-18 February meeting “Channel four” during which, in particular, will address the issue of placement of UN peacekeepers in the Donbass”, – noted Ukrainian military.

Earlier Poroshenko called the two topics regarding the Donbass, which was on the phone with Putin.

  • provocation
  • Donbass
  • ATO

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