Ukraine may face financial crisis before the elections
The law on the anti-corruption court, which is unblock the allocation to Ukraine of the IMF and other creditors will appear until may. This forecast was made by the speaker Andriy Parubiy during the meeting with experts of the International monetary Fund in Kiev. Delicate negotiations about money and broken Ukrainian government promises happen without prying eyes, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The financial institution does not want to be deceived in imitation of anti-corruption initiatives and demands from Kiev real anti-corruption court with the independent appointment of its members, whereas otherwise, in the absence of reforms and the freezing of IMF aid, Ukraine could face even the default. “I hope and believe that we can all the recommendations be implemented in consideration between the first and second reading of the law. And I hope that the month of may we will be able to complete consideration and make the bill a second reading,” – said paruby guests.
Videopoker BP called the IMF experts estimated the date of the enactment of the anti-corruption court
Andriy Parubiy assured the experts that the law, which should unlock the granting Ukraine of the IMF and other creditors will appear until may. In Kiev this week a technical mission of the IMF. It just examines whether the merits of the Ukrainian government and the trust in the form of the next tranche, without which Ukraine will be in a very difficult financial situation.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:06
The last time Ukraine received a tranche from the IMF last year in April, and since that time big income in the currency of the state had. Need money to pay off old debts, and the peak of payments is necessary for the next year, when the current cooperation program with the IMF is completed. While in the relationship with the Fund continuing pause was frozen and assistance from the EU – more than $ 2 billion. Foreign markets also, no one is borrowing, and investors are cautiously waiting for better times. “In Washington say IMF – the keys to the gate. No IMF – no single international financial institution operating in the country,” says Executive Director of the international Fund blazer Oleg Ustenko.
See also:
Ukraine will not have time to obtain all the tranches of the loan from the IMF – the head of group of advisers.
Another fundamental requirement of the IMF is a big privatization, and need it not even for the sake of filling the budget, and to deprive the top corrupt officials of the feeders in which they turned the state enterprise. In power pondered a difficult choice: you can slam the door to the IMF, but the price of such decision will inevitably be in a strong financial crisis before elections.
The correspondent TSN Maria Vasilyeva
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