Broken elbow women and beaten on Khreshchatyk auto: Kiev cops disgraced the excessive use of force

Attorney Eugene Vakulenko has accused patrol police officers in unjustified use of force to itself. Woman claims cops grabbed her as she walked from the Parking lot to go home and was accused of violating traffic rules, says the story TSN.19:30.
“When I came out of the car, they drove. I go to myself, they run to me screaming, intercept, grab, you are broke! Saying that I moved through the double. As I moved? Are you sure you have a record? As you talk to the authorities!”, – told the fight with the police Vakulenko. After talking with the cops in the Parking lot she was diagnosed with a fracture of the elbow. Attorney now has on hand the documents diametrically opposed as follows: the record indicates that she was driving while intoxicated, and crossing double lanes it is not, a certificate from the hospital is to certify that the blood alcohol was.
Videoteri person has suffered from the inappropriate actions of one COP
A dispute with the patrol ended for Kiev lawyer Eugene Vakulenko broken elbow. Vyacheslav policeman suddenly broke the front glass and sent the passenger a gun. Excessive aggression and misconduct – lawyers don’t understand why the police ignore the presumption of innocence.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:54
Problems with the police had and Vyacheslav, auto COP whose beat service weapon. Replacement windshield cost man 12 thousand hryvnias of damage to the body has yet to fix. The driver has shot a video recorder of events on Khreshchatyk COP hits the glass and sends the passenger a gun. “My wife is still horrified by this, pills. Then he said I ran over his foot. I expected him to appropriate behavior,” – said Vyacheslav. Is the patrol already has three criminal proceedings about abuse of authority, however, to police the actions of its employee declared lawful.
See also:
The judge in the case of patrol Olijnyka recused himself due to conflict of interest
Regarding the broken elbow Eugene police are investigating, but the video is from lapel cameras the police will not be made public. The representative of law enforcement service assures that no one covers, but reliable information about the perpetrators of the conflict had not. But a former police officer Maxim Borisov said that without any examinations seen the inappropriate behavior of the cops. “Smoking in the wrong place does not entail the use of firearms for that person. And traffic violations also does not entail the use of means of restraint in respect of the person. If the person resists, do not comply with the orders of the police, the police have the right to use force, special means, but only commensurate with the circumstances”, – he explained.
The correspondent TSN Valentine Goodness
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