There was no panic: the passenger talked about Kiev accident involving two buses on the street Teligi

Two people remain in hospital after Friday’s terrible accident in Kiev on the street Helen Teligi. There are two bus first collided with each other, and then one bus crashed into a tree, the other in the post, says the story TSN.19:30.
Injuries has received 15 passengers, most of the doctors examined and released home. Calmly and even with a smile yesterday’s Tatiana recalls their trip by bus after the accident the girl only a few scratches. Tatiana says that clearly saw a nearby bus hit their bus and then the car drove off the road. Panic in the cabin at this time was not. “In such a stressful situation, you want to get out and go away,” she explained.
Videomedia told about the condition of the victims during a large-scale accident in Kiev
On the eve on the street Teligi “Bogdan” first encountered each other, and then one bus crashed into a tree, the other a pole. Guilty of traffic accident investigators have not yet called. Witnesses at the scene stated that at the time of the accident saw a car that allegedly cut in front of one of the minibuses, because of what the accident occurred.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:20
In hospitals there were seven people, and on Saturday morning only two. Affected with the press do not communicate, but the doctors say that their life is not in danger. “One victim has a chest injury and a broken arm, the operation in the future. The second cranial, closed chest trauma, ribs, and closed abdominal trauma”, – told the on-duty surgeon Yuri Nedilya.
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In Kiev two minibuses staged accidents with dozens of victims
The drivers in the accident were not injured, but did not comment to reporters. At the scene of the accident quickly came to the representatives of both carriers and stated that drivers of minibuses not to blame, and the accident provoked the driver of the car that cut in front of one of the shuttles and escaped. The police, however, about a third car not saying anything, and checking drivers of minibuses. It is now known that both were sober, but who is to blame – find out by examinations. Only after the investigators will call the perpetrator of the accident, injured passengers will be able to receive compensation for treatment of their fractures and bruises. Now both of the carrier about the monetary payments to victims don’t think.
See also:
A large collision of two minibuses in Kiev blame the mysterious jeep
Meanwhile, immediately after the accident, city officials said Monday they will begin a “hard check” all minibuses and buses in Kiev. To research papers, technical condition of machinery and the observance of rules of transportation of passengers.
The TSN reporter Mariana Buhan
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