In Ukraine two times to raise the tariff for garbage removal

Ukrainians can increase the rate of removal of garbage twice.
The proposal was made by the state Agency on energy efficiency and energy saving, according to a story program “snidanok z “1+1”.
Today, in one family the cost of this service averages 31 UAH. If the innovation is approved, then it will increase to 65 hryvnia. But the Department reminded that the fee for garbage collection falls under a grant.
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Recall from 1 January 2018, Ukrainians ordered to sort the trash. To do this, near the houses had to install separate containers for each type of waste. This includes the relevant law. Penalty for violation – up to 1360 UAH for legal entities – up to 1700 UAH. However, the Ukrainians ignored the law on garbage sorting.
VideoCAM to make money on recycling
Now every Ukrainian has to sort the trash. And all because 1 January 2018 entered into force amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On waste”. But most people still don’t understand how to do it and where to take sorted waste. But for the luck Vadim Eid is not a problem. He turns waste into money.
Snidanok 1+1
29 Jan, 11:35
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