Chicken eggs are becoming more expensive because of likely cartel of producers – expert

In Ukraine continue to rise in price of chicken eggs. This year they have increased in price on 2% and has risen from 30.2 UAH per dozen up to 30.8 UAH.

These data led the Director General of the Ukrainian Association of trade networks suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko. He said that “taking into account changes in the calculation methods, that is, the transition from estimates of the cost of eggs 1-2 category to the average price from 1, 2 and higher categories, we can talk about 18% growth, with 26 UAH per dozen up to 30.8 UAH”.

The expert said that usually in January the price of eggs fell to 11-16% after the December growth in the new year and Christmas holidays. This year the situation is radically different.

“There is reason to talk about cartel agreements on the market of production of chicken eggs. First of all, some of the largest manufacturers. The market of eggs is, perhaps, the last in Ukraine, which behaves non-market rules. The price of this product throughout the year it increases to a maximum, then falls again after reducing consumer demand and reducing exports. However, the January price, instead of falling after reaching a peak, showing stability and even growth. About possible cartel agreements says the coincidence of the situation on the market and insider information,” – said Doroshenko.

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He hoped that the “inspection of manufacturers of eggs competition authority should examine the price at which the products are sold to stores or wholesalers in our country and export prices. If it turns out that export prices are much lower on selling in the domestic market, then there is every reason to talk about anti-competitive actions.”

At the same time. recalls the groundless growth of prices for buckwheat and chicken, which was observed in recent years.

“Was reason to believe that abuse and cartel. The Antimonopoly Committee opened a case on these facts, the first of which buckwheat was initiated in may 2016. About the abuse on each of these markets actively paid attention and the Association of suppliers of retail chains. The results of the investigation yet, and it perhaps creates a desire for players from other industries are also artificially raise prices,” – said Doroshenko.

VideoCAM right to eat eggs – the advice of a nutritionist

They say that the brighter the yolk of the egg, so it is useful. This is true, if we are talking about the domestic chicken egg. Of eggs from poultry farms such a pattern is not valid. During the year Ukrainians consume an average of about 300 eggs. It is less than recommended by the Ministry of health. It established the norm – 1-2 eggs per day. How useful this product is and who should be careful to consume it – now explain nutritionist Galina Nesgovorova.

Snidanok 1+1

January 16, 11:12


  • price
  • eggs

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