On the last day of winter trucks will limit the entry to Kiev

Wednesday, February 28, check-a cargo of heavy vehicles in Kiev will be limited due to weather conditions.
This was reported in “Ukravtodor”.
So, from 5:00 to 10:00 a.m. trucks will not be allowed to go to Kiev. This decision is explained by the deterioration of the weather conditions and the need to ensure the capital continuity in the work and movement of vehicles.
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ATTENTION! February 28 will be temporarily PROHIBITED the ENTRY of heavy trucks in the city of Kiev In connection with deterioration of weather conditions….
Published Ukravtodor 27 Feb 2018
The ban is done in accordance with the Protocol of the Constant Commission on questions tekhnogenno-ecological safety and emergency situations of the Executive body of the KSCA.
We will remind, today, February 27, in the Zaporozhye region in connection with the complicated weather conditions, a ban on the movement of heavy and vehicle routing.
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