ICU was the main sponsor of the competition CFA Institute Research Challenge in Ukraine 2017-2018


CFA Institute Research Challenge is a contest held under the auspices of the global Association of investment professionals CFA Institute. The competition is held in more than 70 countries, providing students the opportunity to learn the best practices of writing investment reports.

Under the guidance of professional financiers of the student teams prepare a detailed analysis of publicly traded companies, the results of which will present jury – to the best specialists of the country in the field of investment. At the end of the presentation, the students also provide their investment recommendation regarding purchase or sale of shares of the company.

In Ukraine, this year the competition was attended by over 180 students from 27 leading Universities in the country. The winners of the local competition were two teams – the students of the Kyiv national economic University and Kiev national University. T. Shevchenko. These teams will represent Ukraine at the next stage of the competition in Dublin, which will host a similar competition among the winners of local competitions from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

“From the education of today’s students depends on the economic wellbeing of the country tomorrow. We are therefore happy to support the draft of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, training young generation of modern financial analysis, critical thinking and the ability to make investment decisions, – commented the managing partner of the group of ICU Makar Pasenyuk. – We plan to continue to sponsor educational projects that give young Finance professionals a start in professional life.”

  • ICU
  • Makar Pasenyuk
  • CFA Institute

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