The Verkhovna Rada adopted the draft law on anti-corruption court in the first reading
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the draft law on anti-corruption court.
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Lutsenko told about two options for creating an anti-corruption court
Document No. 7440 was made during the morning session of the Parliament on 1 March. Voted 282 MP.
The bill was adopted in principle in the first reading, so the document is waiting for further discussion and consideration on second reading. The contents of the bill may be modified before adoption in the second reading.
Voting for the draft law on anti-corruption court on fractions
Recall, December 22, 2017, President Petro Poroshenko has submitted to Parliament a draft law on Higher anti-corruption court. The IMF said that the paragraphs of this document are contrary to the obligationswhich Ukraine undertook before the international partners. In response to what Poroshenko said that the draft law on Higher anti-corruption court was developed in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.
Also at the world Bank believe that the adoption of the law on the anti-corruption court in the wording proposed by Poroshenko, is invalid.
Videopoker BP called the IMF experts estimated the date of the enactment of the anti-corruption court
Andriy Parubiy assured the experts that the law, which should unlock the granting Ukraine of the IMF and other creditors will appear until may. In Kiev this week a technical mission of the IMF. It just examines whether the merits of the Ukrainian government and the trust in the form of the next tranche, without which Ukraine will be in a very difficult financial situation.
TSN. 19:30
15 Feb, 21:06
On 28 February, the Committee on legal policy and justice of the Verkhovna Rada recommended to adopt the bill on anti-corruption court based. Notably, the Committee rejected an alternative proposal to introduce a bill immediately with the recommendations of the Venice Commission.
During the speeches at the meeting on 1 March a number of MPs criticized the proposed Poroshenko of the draft law. In particular, the MP from the “Batkivschyna” Sergei Vlasenko said that he will not help in the fight against corruption, but on the contrary protect her. He also demanded to introduce in the draft law, the conclusions of the Venice Commission. Against the bill were also expressed by the head of the Radical party, Oleg Lyashko and the people’s deputies from “Oppositional block”.
At the same time people’s deputies from “popular front” and “Samopomich” urged to leave now differences and make the bill as a basis and edit to make in the period between the first and second reading of the law. These appeals were joined by the head of the Verkhovna Rada Andrew Parubiy.
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