Fiscal service will arrange checks for 8-billion fine Korolevu

The validity of the charges of the two fines total $ 8.3 billion, Chairman of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” A. KOBOLEV will test the General Prosecutor’s office.
About this Facebook reported the press Secretary of the President of Ukraine Svyatoslav Tsigalko.
“During a meeting of the national security Council on energy security of the state, in particular Russia’s failure to implement the decision of the Stockholm arbitration and the deliberate reduction of pressure in the transmission system, which can lead to serious consequences, the question was raised fines “Naftogaz” the State fiscal service. The President appealed to the Prosecutor General and acting President of the SFS to verify the validity of the claims of the fiscal service,” – said Tsegolko.
Finance Minister Alexander danyluk, which is subject to the SFS, reported that “surprised by the news of the fine A. KOBOLEV. Already talked to the acting head of the State fiscal service Miroslav Prodan, who promised to investigate and inform about the situation. Looks like nonsense. Not for the first time in the work of the bureaucratic system. But the final conclusions – after the report of the SFS”.
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A complete knockout. Which means the victory of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” on the Russian “Gazprom”
We will remind, today KOBOLEV said that he had received from SFS two personal penalty in amount of UAH 7 bn and UAH 1.3 bn.
“That is, I (as an individual) must pay 8.3 billion UAH “not later than fifteen days”. The basis specified in the text of the decree “did not provide the possibility of filing an additional customs Declaration with the full package tovarosoprovoditelnoj documents.” The real reason for the failure of “Naftogaz” paid for natural gas of OAO “Gazprom” smuggling was put on the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. That is why we still can’t provide all the documents because we will not pay for gas that was not ordered and not consumed, but which insists “Gazprom”, – said the Korolev in Facebook.
We will remind, in December the Stockholm arbitration court took a decision that all volumes of gas that Gazprom supplies on the illegally occupied territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, “Naftogaz of Ukraine” should not pay.
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