In Ukraine imposed the emergency action plan to stay warm because of the actions of Russia
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for a five-day introduced a national action plan to prevent crisis situations in the energy sector because of the actions of the Russian “Gazprom”.
This was announced by the Minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasalik, UNIAN reports.
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Kobolyev invited the Ukrainians to reduce the temperature in the premises to prevent “Putin’s gas blackmail”
“The Protocol instructions of the crisis Committee introduced the national action plan … action Plan, starting today, provides for transfer of the generating companies from gas to oil – this will give us the opportunity to save about 15-20 million cubic meters of gas per day. To implement this decision, the Ministry requested the Secretariat of the EU and informed that within 5 days, and exactly for this period the plan of action, we will use fuel oil,” – said Nasalik.
We will remind, Russia has reduced almost 20%, the pressure in the gas pipe, a territory of Ukraine delivers blue fuel to Europe. Also “Gazprom” has returned to “Naftogaz” of money for gas, supplies of which needs to restore on 1 March, after a two year hiatus. Also Russia still has not fulfilled the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, shall be paid to the Kiev of 2.56 billion dollars. Daily penalty is up to half a million dollars. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine has officially informed the EU about the problems with the gas pressure in the pipe.
Videotag “Gazprom” to “Naftogaz” in just one night increased by half a million dollars
It is a fine for unpaid earlier funds. Is misleading in the “Naftogaz” of Ukraine. They celebrate the victory of Kiev in the gas dispute with the Russian monopoly. On the eve of the international arbitration court decided that Gazprom should compensate for the “Naftogaz” more than 4 and a half billion dollars for short-delivered gas for transit from 2009 to 2016.
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 17:33
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