APU told how many suicides in the area of ATO and why not hear the number of suicides in the army

The number of suicides among the Ukrainian military personnel decreased slightly from 2015, 30% of suicides occur in the zone of the ATO.
This was stated by the head of Department morally-psychological support of the armed forces, major General Oleg Gruntkowski, transfers “RBC-Ukraine”.
According to him, the problem of suicide in the military is there, but it is solved. In particular, if we draw a comparative analysis from 2015, there is a downward trend of suicides in the army by 20%.
See also:
The General staff has coded the data about suicides in the army and accused of lying.
“For example, since the beginning of this year due to surgery and psychological support to commanders, officers of the structures of moral and psychological support, the chaplains managed to avoid the 9 cases of suicide by military personnel”, – said Gruntkowski.
He also explained why the Department of defense to distribute information regarding the number of suicides in the army. According to him, the number of suicides, which is in the army, is generally correlated with the average level of the number of suicides, which is in the state.
“Of all sad cases, about 30% of suicides in the army going on in the ATO, all the rest – in the rear. And yet there is such psychological practice in the army, and not only our, but also abroad: if you can tell a lot about suicides, and to focus on their number is not decreasing but increasing. This is a very fine professional work of psychologists, and the main thing here is to “do no harm” – summed up Gruntkowski.
We will remind, earlier in Volyn in the village zaluzhzhya in the yard of own house was found hanged a military contractor.
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