“No threads with “Gazprom” to build. “Naftogaz” has warned Europe of the consequences of cooperation with Russia

“Naftogaz” has long warned Europe that Russia is actively using gas as a geopolitical weapon.
This was stated by chief commercial Director of the company Yuriy Vitrenko.
According to him, the move by the Russian monopolist has demonstrated to the European community.
“We hope that the EU has seen no threads with Gazprom to build,” – said Vitrenko.
In “Naftogaz” noted that the actions of the Russians were in the EU a matter of serious analysis and had a negative impact on the perception of Gazprom’s European partners.
“According to Western commentators, the position of “Gazprom” contrary to the spirit and practice of the common commercial relations between suppliers and consumers. According to media reports, the use of gas to put pressure on contractors has adversely affected perception of the Russian project Nord stream – 2 in Germany”, – said the press service of the Ukrainian company.
Video”Gazprom” declared intention to terminate the contract with Ukraine
And on the transit of gas to Ukrainian pipelines in the EU. The head of “Gazprom” Alexei Miller said that the decision made in Russia because of the verdict of the Stockholm arbitration, which was ordered to pay “Naftogaz” $ 4.5 billion compensation.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:56
Recall Russian Gazprom refused to supply gas to Ukraine from March 1 and returned the paid money. In connection with the decision of the Stockholm arbitration, Ukraine has to buy every year from the Russian Federation (up to 2019, when the end of the contract) 4 billion cubic meters of gas (earlier it was 50 billion cubic meters). If Naftogaz buys gas, then automatically applies the formula of “take or pay” – that is, Kiev needs to pay even those amounts that have not bought. Therefore, “Naftogaz” was waiting for the final arbitration award, which was announced on 28 February to begin the compulsory purchase.
In “Naftogaz” noted that the refusal of Gazprom to supply gas automatically means that during 2018 to Ukraine will not be subject to “take or pay”.
Later “Gazprom” has declared that not only breaks with Ukraine contracts on gas supply and transit the territory of Ukraine to Europe. Then “Gazprom” has declared that will not stop the transit of gas through Ukraine “right now”.
On March 3, President Petro Poroshenko said that the difficult situation that has arisen because of the actions of “Gazprom”, was overcome. As of the morning of 3 March in Ukraine sharply increased the supply of gas from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.
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