From 589 UAH in Ternopil to UAH 760 in Kiev: the Ukrainians called the average price of an Easter basket

From 589 UAH in Ternopil to UAH 760 in Kiev: the Ukrainians called the average price of an Easter basket
1 APR, 00:49
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You can skimp a holiday will not be cheap in any of the regions of the country.
The economists believed that Easter basket in comparison with last year became more expensive by a quarter, but not in all regions prices rose evenly. About the cheapest and most expensive regions according to a story TSN.19:30.
On the market in Ternopil holiday there is no rush, but people are already eyeing products for the Easter basket. “Already 300 left. Even with 500-800 UAH. Sausage, ham, eggs, kulichikah the need to bake. And so pull a little bit,” says one of the buyers. Traditional set with cakes, eggs, cheese, meat, and fruit and greenhouse vegetables this year will cost the average Ukrainian hryvnia 660. The Institute of agricultural Economics found that in the Ternopil region Easter basket will be the cheapest – a total of 589 USD.
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How to apply beautiful eggs for Easter
Save the townspeople, mainly due to meat such as bacon you can buy twice cheaper than in the capital. On the Kiev market for the same products will have to pay for hundred hryvnias more – and it’s the most expensive basket in Ukraine: 760 UAH. Analysts felt and economical option – smaller portions and no fruit and vegetable basket can be filled and 330 UAH. Kiev complain that prices at the Easter in the city grew, though not at all – for example, eggs are up in price. The choice of cakes at bazaars is small they will begin to sell from next Tuesday.
The TSN reporter Oksana Mulyar
Video Analytics can estimate where in Ukraine it is possible to collect the cheap Easter basket
This year the prices of holiday products increased by a quarter. However, it is not the same everywhere. Correspondents TSN decided to check and went to the cheapest and most expensive markets, according to experts.
TSN. 19:30
March 31, 21:10
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