In Kiev, there is a hotel for the enrichment of sexual experiences

In Kiev, there is a hotel for the enrichment of sexual experiences
28 Mar, 03:43
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They invite couples who need to variety your intimate experience.
In Kiev opened a hotel where it is possible to realize erotic fantasies. The owners claim that rent only the rooms, but to look for a company customers have their own, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The facility is located in the private sector, a residential district of the capital. Signs at a unique hotel. The most interesting is hidden inside each room corresponds to a particular scenario – it could be the boudoir of the Queen, harem, school, office or even a gynecologist’s office. Also, each thematic task matched the attributes – toys for joys. There is even room for lovers of hard foreplay – torture rooms and 50 shades of black.
Video settings in Kiev opened the school, rooms in which meet sexual fantasies
The owners claim that rent a room only. Look for a company have their own. Each room corresponds to a particular scenario – for example, boudoir Queen’s, or gynecologist’s office.
TSN. 19:30
27 Mar, 21:04
Hotel services are paid hourly: rent a room will cost 1,5 thousands of UAH for 3 hours. The administration says that pimping is not engaged, and the goal is to help couples spice up their love life. “The swings are somewhere around thousands of dollars. And that’s where you put them? When in the next room, children, grandparents,” explain the authors of creative project.
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In the world these hotels are not uncommon – they are popular in Japan, USA and European countries. But how to react to the establishment of the Ukrainian public – do not even know the owners. Just in case they stocked up on masks that have to hide clients from prying eyes.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Mitin
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