Easter truce in the Donbass lasted only 10 minutes. What was said in Minsk at a meeting of the TAG

Easter truce in the Donbass lasted only 10 minutes. What was said in Minsk at a meeting of the TAG
April 4, 19:22
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April 10, may take place разведениt forces near the village of Lugansk.
For the period Easter truce in the ATO area in the Donbas, which was to occur from March 30, fighters as of the evening of April 4 143 times fired at positions of the Ukrainian army. With the onset of heat the number of attacks only increased. But the truce lasted only 10 minutes, after which the militants have again started to hit from the weapon.
A ceasefire was agreed between the representatives of the Trilateral contact group in Minsk. An Easter truce was supported by the leaders of the Normandy four, including Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. However, silence never came. It is stated by the press Secretary of the representative of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma TAG Darka olifer.
She noted that the militants also systematically shooting at drones, the Special monitoring mission of the OSCE. So, only one report of the mission for March 30, reported three attacks drone of the OSCE, which were attacked in the occupied territory, while one of them was shot down.
“To establish a full ceasefire is necessary that Russia has stopped supplying over the uncontrolled section of the Ukrainian-Russian border equipment, fuels and lubricants, weapons, mercenaries; free access for the participants of the OSCE SMM to all areas ARDLE, including areas that are in close proximity to the border with the Russian Federation and the creation in the border security zone, which was agreed in September 2014; the withdrawal from the territory of Donbass military equipment, weapons and mercenaries of the Russian Federation”, – said olifer.
She stressed that “the Ukrainian side confirmed its readiness to continue to do everything possible to fulfill the agreements of the TAG relative to the Easter truce. Dilution of effort and funds in the area of Stanytsia Luhanska may be held April 10 – in the absence of firing in this area”.
Olifer also recalled that “during the fighting in the Donbass as a result of incidents related to mines and explosive remnants of war wounded 1117 adults and 81 children. 619 adults and 25 children died.”
Ukraine is ready to exchange more than two dozen Russian citizens who are in Ukrainian prisons on Ukrainian political prisoners, which holds the Russian Federation.
“The level of humanitarian subgroups, and the TAG meeting, the Ukrainian side expressed its readiness to transfer more than 20 citizens of the Russian Federation in the institutions of the Ukrainian penitentiary system for crimes against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine in exchange for the release of political prisoners who have been held in Russia. Expected on the position and response of the Russian Federation. We are ready to compromise for the release of hostages from ORDO,” said olifer.
In Minsk also raised the issue of the security of the repair of the bridge in the Village of Lugansk and restoring mobile communication of the company’s employees “Vodafone Ukraine”.
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