In Kiev taxi caused a serious accident

In Kiev taxi caused a serious accident
5 APR, 01:33
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Cars received considerable mechanical damages.
In Kiev at night , an accident with victims in Kiev at the crossroads of the Mayakovskogo and Dreiser.
It is reported
Drunk night “pokatushki” over a serious road accident victims in Kiev at the crossroads of the Mayakovskogo and Dreiser….
Posted 4 quina 2018 R.
The driver-the taxi driver of the Daewoo car moving on the street Dreiser, went right and not given priority in the movement of the Chevrolet, which was traveling on the main road. In the result the Daewoo rammed a Chevrolet and both cars were thrown into the circle. Suffered the driver of the car Daewoo. While hospitalisation refuses.