Chips and innovation: competition in the residential real estate market

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Chips and innovation: competition in the residential real estate market
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In Kiev, continuing growth in new residential construction in January 2018 for sale is offered an apartment at 198 sites, 40 more than in January last year.
In Kiev, continuing growth in new residential construction in January 2018 offered apartments in the 198 objects, which is 40 more than in January last year. Thus, in the next 2-3 years in the capital it is planned to put into operation about 140 residential properties.
But apart from increasing the number of square meters, it is much more important qualitative changes in the market. Global trend experts call increased competition between developers in part of a sophisticated concept of the object and availability of additional benefit to consumers. Developers strive to create the maximum added value per square meter, due to the presence of a variety of “chips” that distinguish this object from others in the direction of increase of comfort.
Take, for example, Desnyanskiy district that leads in the number of residents (400 thousand people). The infrastructure of the area is actively developing, there are new LCD comfort class, not previously characteristic of Troyeshchyna. A recent example LCD “Prague 2”, which recently started selling the second phase. In this residential complex are implementing a number of innovations.
LCD “Prague 2” is based on the principle of “yard without cars”. A complex of three sections designed by the letter “P” with internal space of approximately 1700 m2. In the yard there will be no cars, noise and exhaust from them – only playgrounds and green areas. But residents can always drive right up to my porch to drop off passengers or unload things – after all around the house planned a road which is fit to each partition. Also there are planned an underground 2-level Parking on the lower floors of the complex, where the car will be provided round the clock security.
Speaking of security, it is impossible today to consider the subject of quality. For example, residents LCD “Prague 2” will feel relaxed and comfortable thanks to the closed area, round the clock security and video surveillance system around the perimeter.
The highlights of this LCD include apartments with open terraces on the upper floors, with a magnificent view. The area ranges from 56 to 90 m2, which is quite enough for entertaining and relaxation. In summer you can set the swing, the plants in pots and barbecue, and in winter to create a Christmas fairytale Park with lights.
But perhaps the most interesting solution is the input group. When you sign in each entrance there are arches, which will be installed mailboxes and benches. So here, in any weather, it will be convenient to unload things or products. The absence of steps facilitate the life of parents with children and the elderly, and on the 1st floor has a special room for storing prams, bikes and sleds. This concern about the convenience of the future residents LCD pleasantly surprised.
Add to this attractive architecture building with large glass area and panoramic Windows, quality materials and modern construction technology – and it becomes clear why such complexes as “Prague 2” are popular with consumers, who began to approach home buying much more comprehensively and carefully.
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