Klyh from prison wrote a letter to a Russian journalist: “I Want to sleep and not Wake up”

Klyh from prison wrote a letter to a Russian journalist: “I Want to sleep and not Wake up”
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Ukrainian refuses to eat and looks forward to sharing.
Ukrainian political prisoner Stanislav Klyh, which in Russia was sentenced to 20 years in prison for alleged participation in the Chechen war on the party of fighters declared that refuses to eat and requires translation of Verkhneuralsk of the colony to another institution.
About this Ukrainian, wrote in a letter to the journalist of the Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” Paul Kanygin.
Video illegally convicted in Russia of Cliche and Karpyuk decided to collect 250 thousand rubles
The news said the lawyer Ilya Novikov and explained that it is supposedly determined by the court, the compensation to the mother of one of the victims in Chechnya Russian soldiers. She counted the Ukrainians involved in this death, demanded 5 million.
TSN. Pdsmi day
7 Feb, 00:34
“I require a transfer to another facility of the Federal penitentiary service — to refuse Breakfast and lunch, I can say that the food here, unlike the one that was in Grozny SIZO, there is not — it is disgusting,” wrote Klyh.
Ukrainian complained of eye pain that occurs from the confined space, lack of oxygen, and nervous tension.
See also:
Klyh Ukrainian political prisoner in a Russian prison sleeping on the floor with wounds
“Time in prison a day is much longer than night. I want to sleep and not Wake up, death becomes a welcome,” wrote Stanislav Klyh.
The prisoner said that due to the lack of access to information he does not know what are doing Ukrainian authorities for an exchange or release. “How can I be satisfied with their “efforts”, if I’m still not home?”, noted Klyh and expressed hope that it will soon exchanged for convicted in Ukraine of Russian citizen Viktor Ageev.
See also:
Mother Ageeva trump and asks Putin to help return her son in exchange for Sentsov, Mushroom and Cliche
Stanislav also denied its involvement in the “Right sector”. According to him, he from 2004 to 2014 he was an active member of the Party of regions.
“So please do not consider me in this respect, political prisoners — at the time of entry to Russia I’m quite loyal (apolitical) attitude to the leadership of the Russian Federation and the Russian political system, which cannot be said about my current views,” – said in the letter.
Klyh noted that Russia went to meet the woman whom he met in the Crimea to the events on the Maidan. On arrival in the Russian city of Orel were detained by security forces.
See also:
“I think he has all the same”: the mother of Cliche told TSN on a date with a prisoner in a Russian son
“So in that regard, please … write about me in the future: “Stanislav Klyh, sex tourist from Kiev.” A well-known fact from the Crimean life — the Russian women are more available than Ukrainian,” – wrote Stanislaw Klyh.
Videocracy the prisoner Stanislav Klyh was in a psychiatric hospital in Magnitogorsk
TSN. Pdsmi day
September 6, 2017, 01:00
We will remind, the Russian office of public Prosecutor demanded to plant Stanislaus Cliche for 22 years. On 19 may 2016 , the jury recognized Cliche guilty and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Case Karpyuk and Cliche fabricated by the Russian investigative Committee and it appears the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Lawyer Ilya Novikov released new details about, in his words, “this sordid history.” In it Russia officially declares that in ‘ 94 Yatsenyuk was nicknamed “fighter Arsen”, fought in Chechnya against Russian troops with Alexander Muzychko known as Sasha White, and with the former head of the Lviv organization UNA-UNSO Andriy Shkil and, in fact, now prisoners in Chechnya Ukrainians – Karpyuk and Klahom.
Subsequently, the judicial Board on criminal cases of the Supreme court of Russia affirmed the sentence of Ukrainianswho have been unlawfully convicted and dismissed the appeal.
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