Professional advice on how to buy a second-hand

Professional advice on how to buy a second-hand
Yesterday, 21:43
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Shopping is, of course, not to everyone’s taste.
In Ukraine there is a profession – guide to second-hand. These people will help you find the best things at the best prices.
However, as noted in the story TSN.Week, there is even a list of tips on how to buy in these stores:
1. If you are a beginner, start with a small thrift.
2. Go without a specific list. There are like a lottery: you can win a jacket or a pair of shoes for a song, and you can get away with anything.
3. If You see a person who walks around with a huge stroller or with a huge pack and, if she has rubber gloves and takes a lot of clothes – it’s dealers. They get the best product.
4. To find a decent thing, must go and sort out each item by hand, rather than looking at the overall picture.
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Ukraine has again increased the inflation. On that prices increased the most
5. Don’t be fooled by the beautiful color. It is necessary to examine carefully because things happen with holes. Besides, you need to study all types of stains and know that coming out and what not. If, for example, rust on the clothes, it is very difficult to wash off.
6. If You already disdain spots – wear gloves, but want something almost new, then consider the clothes inside. Look at the labels. If they are in perfect condition, if they nazanacheniya, it is logical that this thing is new.
7. Many people come to the stores only when discounts are 70-80%.
8. Any thing you can alter. You will still be in the black.
9. Before you go for a second hand, don’t forget disinfector because after shopping want to wipe his hands.
Shopping second-hand – it is certainly not to everyone’s taste. If you do not want to dig these second guides are taking orders and will find for You the right thing. They earn on it.
Natalia Yarmola
Videostill for a penny: a guide to second-hand told us how to economically update your wardrobe
Gone are the days when second-hand was only for the poor. Now it is possible to find quality and branded items nearly cheap. To learn the secrets of frugal shopping, TSN.Tyzhden spoke with a girl more than 10 years goes in a thrift shop, giving tips on their blogs to YouTube and calls himself a guide.
TSN. Week
Yesterday, 21:30
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