NAPC proposes specializirovannye, which can be to protect the corrupt

NAPC proposes specializirovannye, which can be to protect the corrupt
Yesterday, 22:48
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Due to the new rules, tens of thousands of officials will not submit declarations at all
Caring for the defenders or a loophole for corruption. In NAPC are considering to change the conditions of Declaration for officials, settlers and security forces, which are in the ATO mission. To apply they offer through a special procedure. However, activists warn that due to new regulations, tens of thousands of officials will not submit declarations at all, says the story TSN.19.30.
Fabulous winnings in lotteries, expensive gifts, millions in cash, or cryptocurrency. Electronic Declaration, the officials added unexpected gifts of fortune and new status. Anti-corruption authorities in this case should not even checked last year’s Declaration of top officials. However some of the strong men may be lucky even more. They are generally unable to opportunity to report on acquired.
“What he wants to do NAPC is to enable law enforcement officers who go into the zone ATO and pereselency not be declared” – say the activists.
It includes a draft law developed by the National Agency for prevention of corruption. For such persons, the document says, will determine the special procedure of declaring. However, I suspect that it will exist only on paper. Example, say the story of SBU. She equated all of their employees to investigators. And income they also had a special procedure. But it never developed.
“There will be the same. If they have three years did not developed a procedure for the filing of the SBU, that does not prevent them to develop the procedure for filing for others,” added the activists.
But that this rule can bring, I can only assume that this is the next wave of “bureaucratic tourism in the area ATO”. 2014, remember, as a lot of military prosecutors so decided, the issue of lustration. After a visit to the East such officials were not fired. Although questions such trips were many.
Video settings NAPC want to change the terms of the Declaration of law enforcers who are in the ATO
Workers NAPC considering to change the conditions of Declaration for officials-settlers from the ATO and security officials, who are in the ATO mission. To apply they offer through a special procedure. Say, to protect people. However, social activists are of a different opinion.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:20
2014 TSN showed how some of the prosecutors in such trips visited the massage rooms or expensive restaurants. The threat of a repetition of the situation is, acknowledge and lawyers. Because the law is written too General.
“For example, length of stay in business trip. As far as it can be temporary or indefinite. For example, if on April first when you need to submit a Declaration, the person is on a business trip, and 4 returned, then it is exempt from the Declaration at all?” – surprised the lawyer.
In the NAPC, but the norm is explained by the desire to protect officers who work in the ATO. And as for the comments that have claims and those who criticize the bill. Like, a few weeks it was hanging on the website for discussion and suggestions or comments to the draft law.
See also:
NACP decided to conduct a full verification of declarations of notorious ex-head of the Korczak
However, risks still promise to talk with officials of the Ministry of defence, the General intelligence and security Service of Ukraine.
“Still sharp controversy these standards are waiting in the committees of the Verkhovna Rada and in the vote,” say officials of NACP.
What “gaps” document weigh the MPs hope yet. However, do not hide, in the bill there are many other rules that can make the Declaration less effective. And not the fact that the MPs want to fix them.
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