The escalation of the war in the Donbass and the reluctance of the Russian Federation regarding the exchange of political prisoners. What was said in Minsk

The escalation of the war in the Donbass and the reluctance of the Russian Federation regarding the exchange of political prisoners. What was said in Minsk
© Ministry of defence of Ukraine
Today, 21:39
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For a fortnight in the East of Ukraine recorded 720 fire fighters.
Easter truce in the Donbas ended before it even started. Over the past two weeks, from 30 March to 16 April, militants carried out attacks 720, 685 of which were aimed. Also, there was another military clash. Special monitoring mission of the OSCE noted the risk of further escalation of the situation in the Donbass.
This was discussed during a meeting of the Trilateral contact group in Minsk, said Darka olifer, press Secretary of the member in the TAG from the Ukraine, former President Leonid Kuchma.
“There were violations of silence regime the use of weapons prohibited by the accords – with tanks, artillery and mortars. Thus the number of attacks has increased significantly, not provided a single day of silence, among the Ukrainian military there are dead and wounded. Causes a disturbance of another provocation against the staff of the Donetsk filtration station in which injured employees of the station, “said olifer.
The militants also fired at and shot down drones of the OSCE. April 5 in the district of Kremenets happened again provocation with weapons. This year alone, the mission’s observers were not allowed into the area about 20 times. The militants are constantly trying to disrupt the work of international observers.
“Complete silence is possible only after Russia will cease to supply equipment, weapons, fuel and lubricants and mercenaries through the uncontrolled section of the Ukrainian-Russian border; ensure unimpeded access for OSCE SMM to all areas ARDLE, including areas close to the border with the Russian Federation and the creation in the border security zone, which agreed in September of last year; withdraw from the territory of Ukraine equipment and mercenaries. Without performing these activities in a sustainable and comprehensive cease-fire is established”, – said olifer.
Discussed in Minsk the issues of security for civilian infrastructure. In particular, recovery of mobile communications, repair of the bridge in the Village of Lugansk.
“The Ukrainian side raised environmental issues, in particular, with respect to the direction of specialized experts to study the environmental situation in ORDO”, – said the press Secretary of Leonid Kuchma.
Another issue is the exchange of prisoners and political prisoners.
“In the framework of humanitarian subgroups, the Ukrainian side raised the requirement to provide information about those who for a long time held hostage on the territory ORDO data about dozens of people hiding. Again voiced readiness to transfer to Russia more than 20 citizens in the institutions of the Ukrainian penitentiary system for crimes against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine in exchange for the release of political prisoners being held in Russia. Also rigidly raised the question concerning the release of search for missing persons,” said olifer.
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