Reaction of deputies on “film Onishchenko”: Southerner was worried Vlasenko recognized the voice of Poroshenko

Reaction of deputies on “film Onishchenko”: Southerner was worried Vlasenko recognized the voice of Poroshenko
Today, 01:19
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On Bank called the recording a fake, and that requires no comment.
Several MPs attended promulgated by the Deputy-the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko the afternoon of 19 April entries and shared their first impressions of the heard. Including regarding the similarity of the voices in the film, says the story TSN.19:30.
One of the participants organized by the ex-Minister of ecology Mykola Zlochevsky in Monaco business forum, people’s Deputy from BPP Nina Southerner was visibly nervous. It is the name Zlochevsky was the center of attention of the interlocutors on the published record. “I don’t like,” she told reporters.
Video”Fakes do not require review”: in the AP responded to published Onishenko film
Fugitive MP Oleksandr Onishchenko has finally released one of his films. The film concerns the negotiations, Onishchenko with the President on behalf of the ex-Minister of ecology Yanukovych Mykola Zlochevsky. Learn whether Ukrainian officials voice a guarantor and what the outcome of the whole story – in the story TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:05
Opinions of deputies concerning the authenticity of the records were divided according to political orientation. For example, Serhiy Vlasenko from the “Fatherland” believe in their authenticity. “The voice” – he says and adds that in the home Poroshenko speaks on Russian language. But the President’s representative in Parliament, it is not possible to draw such conclusions, yet the film will not be transferred to the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and will not pass the examination of their authenticity. “Until that moment, until these treatments, I believe that it is a fake”, – Lutsenko declared and assured that in life the head of state communicates in Ukrainian.
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Onishchenko said that he was a negotiator and Zlochevsky Akhmetov in conversation with Poroshenko
Anti-corruption bodies have also distanced themselves from the estimates, but SAP said that any criminal proceedings against the President can begin only the Prosecutor General, and Yury Lutsenko insists that I can’t with the films nothing to do but to listen to them. “Any criminal proceedings against senior officials from the regional level and up, is the exclusive competence of the National anti-corruption Bureau,” – said the Prosecutor General.
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The NAB had completed investigation against two members of the “gas business” the people’s Deputy Onishchenko
The head of the NAB on Thursday did not find time to review, and he Onishchenko said that he tried to cooperate with the Bureau, but this was prevented by the anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office. The fugitive also not told what it was, except for a public outcry, he achieves his films. Now in Spain the court left hanging the issue of extradition to the people’s Deputy of Ukraine, so it is possible that the disclosure of the records it tries to convince foreign judges to grant him asylum.
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The Spanish Supreme court began considering the possibility of extradition Onishchenko Ukraine
As previously reported, the Deputy Onishchenko has published the alleged recording of the conversation with President Poroshenko of 2016. It featured “Julia” and Zlochevskiy. In the presidential Administration record called fake. And NABOO has declared readiness to study film, but in the case of granting their originals.
The TSN correspondent Olga Vasilevskaya
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