S&P expects Ukraine to reduce the rate of GDP growth, devaluation of the hryvnia and low human well-being

S&P expects Ukraine to reduce the rate of GDP growth, devaluation of the hryvnia and low human well-being
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Dollar a year is 30 UAH.
By 2018 , the economy of Ukraine will increase by 3.1%. During 2019-2020, GDP growth will slow to 2.9%.
This forecast of the international rating Agency Standard&Poor’s.
Nominal GDP in 2018 will amount to 3 trillion 383 billion in 2019 – 3 trillion 760 billion, in 2020 to 4 trillion 139 billion in 2021-m – 4 trillion and 558 billion.
Experts of Standard & Poor’s noted that Ukraine will be difficult to cope with debt payments in the coming years without funding from the International monetary Fund and other official creditors. About it writes Reuters. According to the Agency, which kept Ukraine’s ratings at “b- / b” with a stable Outlook, in 2018-2021 for the payment of external public and publicly guaranteed debt should be allocated 24 billion dollars.
S&P considered that the main sources of growth of the Ukrainian economy in 2018, the same as last year, will be the growth of domestic demand and household consumption.
“The positive impact on the growth of household consumption will be planned to further increase the minimum wage, and increasing the salaries of public sector workers and pensions”, – said the Agency.
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However, despite the growth of the economy, the welfare of Ukrainians will remain low.
“GDP per capita (2.6 million dollars in 2017) is only 67% of this figure in the pre-crisis 2013. He is the second after Tajikistan the lowest figure among the countries of Europe and CIS,” said S&P.
The Agency also predicted the devaluation of the hryvnia. At the end of 2018, the dollar in Ukraine will cost 29,50 UAH, 2019 – 30.5 UAH, 2020 – 29,80 UAH, 2021-th – 28,80 UAH.
Recall, the prognosis for economic growth in Ukraine to 2018 are: the world Bank – 3.5%, the international monetary Fund and national Bank of Ukraine up 3.2%.
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Snidanok 1+1
April 11, 10:33
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