During the explosion in Kiev killed a journalist who served in the ATU – sources

During the explosion in Kiev killed a journalist who served in the ATU – sources
© Police Kiev / Facebook
Today, 17:01
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TSN.ia the names of the deceased and the injured from the grenade explosion in the car.
During the night a grenade explosion in Kiev killed 45-year-old journalist Vitalii Kuksa. This TSN.ia has learned from its own sources.
It is known that he was mobilized and served in the ATO Communicator. Wrote a lot about war and military topics. Were published in many Ukrainian publications. He served as chief of the Department for relations with public and mass media in the State. Now, according to TSN.ia, is officially unemployed.
Sources also said the name of the victim is 24-year-old Andrey seroshtan. Official place of work has not. It was he, according to sources, was behind the wheel.
Also sources report that the grenade exploded in the hands of Coxy and in the car found the gear lever of the grenade. The cause of the events was a family conflict.
We will remind, explosion has thundered on the eve at 22:20 in the Darnytsia district of the capital. In the car “Chevrolet” during the movement of the grenade. As a result of explosion one person was killed, another was injured and was hospitalized. Criminal proceedings opened under article “murder”. The police subsequently reported that the killed and wounded in Kiev and was familiar with. The law enforcers consider two versions of events.
As reported by the people’s Deputy Igor Mosiychuk, according to him the dead and wounded to each other by a stepfather and stepson. And allegedly having it out with a grenade.
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