With the beginning of the EP, a “special order” in the East. The defence Ministry announced new rules

With the beginning of the EP, a “special order” in the East. The defence Ministry announced new rules
The war in the East
Today, 17:41
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In particular, controlled areas of Donetsk and Lugansk region was divided into zones.
The Ministry of defence of Ukraine issued a special order to act with the announcement of beginning of operations of the combined forces on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
Special powers
The document provides for the granting of the security sector and defence, other state bodies of Ukraine, special powers, necessary for the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, the resistance and the containment of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
The conditions of occurrence of special order and granting of special powers:
the threat of use of weapons, including rocket troops and artillery, jet systems of volley fire and aviation;
the threat of terrorist acts and sabotage;
the movement of military convoys;
events search and destroy sabotage and reconnaissance forces of the enemy;
See also:
The head of the joint Forces said the main objective of the operation in the occupied Donbas
events demining of the terrain and objects;
events of combat and operational training;
events investigative work;
emergency situations of natural and technogenic character;
check of readiness of forces and means of the United forces to perform assigned tasks;
security move and stay higher military-political leadership of the state, representatives of the partner States.
Videoporoshenko during a visit to Donbass announced changes to the ATO
Instead, the ATO will be the Operation of the joint forces. And instead of a head of a staff of anti-terrorist operation – a new permanent commander of the new United forces. Now it is the army commander of the combined forces will guide the actions of all law enforcement agencies in the area of fighting on the frontline of Donbas.
TSN. 19:30
16 Mar, 20:14
Safety zone
The defense Ministry has allocated a security zone adjacent to the combat area. The safety zone included: Grape, Kurakhovo, Ocheretino, Ruzaevka, Vovchoiarivka, White Mountain, Novoaidar, Ponds, makarivka, Prostane, along the State border, ur. Chernyavka, along the administrative border of Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, ‘hivka, along the administrative border of the Donetsk and Kharkiv regions, Znamenivka, along the administrative border of the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions, Komyshuvakha, along the administrative border of Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions, Urzuf, along the sea coast, Primorsko.
In this zone, military personnel, law enforcement officers and certain persons involved in the implementation of safety measures, have the right to:
to use in case of emergency weapons and special means in respect of persons who have committed or are committing offences or other acts impede the implementation of legitimate demands of persons involved in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, response and containment of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, or actions connected with the unauthorized attempt to penetrate into the district in the implementation of these measures;
to detain and deliver persons to the National police of Ukraine;
to check at citizens and officials the documents proving the identity, and in the absence of documents — to detain them for identification;
to carry out personal inspection of citizens, examination of things, which when they are, vehicles and things that they are transported;
See also:
Poltorak has revealed more details about the beginning of a new format of deokkupatsii of Donbass
temporarily restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads, to prevent vehicles of citizens to separate areas and objects, remove citizens from separate sites of the terrain and objects, to tow the vehicle;
to enter (to penetrate) into living and other premises, to land plots belonging to citizens, the territory and premises of enterprises, institutions and organizations, to check the vehicle for implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, the resistance and the containment of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
use with official purposes means of communication and vehicles, including special one, belonging to citizens (with their consent), enterprises, institutions and organizations, except vehicles of diplomatic, consular and other missions of foreign States and international organizations.
In addition, the security zone will be created in areas of limited and restricted access, then enter these zones will regulate the system throughput.
Video settings NAPC want to change the terms of the Declaration of law enforcers who are in the ATO
Workers NAPC considering to change the conditions of Declaration for officials-settlers from the ATO and security officials, who are in the ATO mission. To apply they offer through a special procedure. Say, to protect people. However, social activists are of a different opinion.
TSN. 19:30
17 APR, 20:20
Three levels of modes of stay
The document defines a three-tiered regime of stay in the security zone. Green – allows unrestricted movement and stay of persons, except in the areas prohibited, and restricted access. “Yellow” – provides for the stay and movement of persons only if the documents proving the identity, and also provides for the inspection of belongings and vehicles of citizens. This mode is set on the borders of the isolated and in areas of limited access. The”red” mode – to temporarily limit or restrict the stay of citizens in the area. Admission is permitted only to special permit, and the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads is restricted or prohibited. Vehicles and citizens in separate areas of the terrain and objects are not allowed. The corresponding modes can be temporarily introduced in certain areas or throughout the area of security the decision of the Commander of the joint forces.
In the area of operations , is automatically “red” mode.
Frontier insulation
Frontier of exclusion — defined by the decision of the Commander of the combined forces of the place, the terrain adjacent to the area of operations, area of operations, where a check at citizens and officials the documents proving the identity, carried out personal inspection of citizens, things that when they are, vehicles and things that they are transported;
Enter the area of operations areas of combat operations, areas of limited or prohibited access is allowed only through certain joint forces command posts.
See also:
Poroshenko called the exact date of the completion of the ATO and the start of a new operation in the Donbas
The basis for tolerance in the area of operations of the combined forces in the battle area are:
accommodation in the area of operations of the combined forces of people who are trying to enter (leave) the territory, or their close relatives or family members, as confirmed by documents issued by authorized state bodies of Ukraine;
the intersection of the line of contact to enter (exit), entry (exit) from the occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions;
the death of close relatives or family members in the area of operations of the combined forces, which is confirmed by respective documents;
the ownership rights to objects of real estate located in the area of operations of the combined forces;
the need to participate in ensuring national interests of Ukraine for the peaceful settlement of the conflict or humanitarian issues;
the necessity to perform diplomatic and consular functions, including in the framework of the international organizations which member is Ukraine (exclusively at the request or with the agreement of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine);
the need to implement the functions in the framework of the international organizations which member is Ukraine (exclusively at the request or with the agreement of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine);
the release from places of imprisonment, on the basis of the identity document, after the appropriate check, employees of the National police of Ukraine;
Videogenie outraged by the newly elected Chairman of service for veterans and participants of ATO
The competition was won by the defendant in a criminal case for robbery – Valentin Manko. Veterans of the ATO require the Cabinet to hold a new competition. Correspondence with Kononenko, spicy debt and the reaction of veterans of the ATO to win Valentine Manka – TSN.
TSN. 19:30
January 17, 20:13
the presence of special permits;
the visits in the area of operations joint force employment, studies, research activities, cultural or religious purpose, rehabilitation, support of a child in General education or preschool educational institutions and the like.
This list may be supplemented, and forbidden to enter the area of environment protection to persons suspected of committing criminal offences that are fake or damaged passport who are accomplices of the offenders, and if with the introduction of the “red” mode come the threats to the lives of citizens.
Manage all involved in the area of environmental law enforcement agencies and attached to them will be the Commander of the United forces.
We will remind, in the occupied Donbas April 30, a new stage will begin – the operation of the United forces. The exact date of the operation called by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. This became possible with the adoption of the law about de-occupation of Donbass – “On peculiarities of state policy on ensuring state sovereignty of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions”, which the President signed on February 20.
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