Every fifth recipient of the subsidy need to apply for its reissuance. The new rules

Every fifth recipient of the subsidy need to apply for its reissuance. The new rules
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In Ukraine began to operate a new system of subsidies.
Since may 1 in Ukraine began to operate the new rules of appointment and calculation of subsidies for payment for housing and communal services. 80-85% of the recipients of the aid allocation for the next heating period will be done automatically. At the same time, about 15-20% will have to personally apply to the social protection agencies with renewal grants. This applies to anyone who has just purchased luxury items, new cars, or families which have able-bodied persons who declare zero rate of income.
This is stated in the message of the Ministry of social policy.
“Everyone who needs help from the state, will continue to receive it. The majority of the citizens of grants for the next heating season will be reassigned automatically. To address in bodies of social protection it is necessary only to separate categories of citizens who qualify under the new criteria imposed for cleanup of targeted subsidies and to prevent widespread abuse. For example, the family bought a car by age less than five years. Until recently, such purchase was not a criterion for appointment or abolition of subsidies. Now we have to put it in the Declaration and to submit to the social security authorities a new application, – noted the Director of the Department of public social assistance Minsotspolitiki Vitaly muzichenko.
For renewal grants must submit two documents – a Declaration and a Declaration of income.
“Those who have the status not changing, that nothing is bought and families no able-bodied persons who declare no income – eligible for subsidy is automatically saved. They turn in bodies of social protection is not necessary. We will protect and further those who need assistance. But the state will not pay for those who have hidden income or working in the informal sector. It is a violation of the principles of social justice,” – said muzichenko.
Videopo the new rules, subsidies will not be able to get those who hide great condition
First, the subsidy cancels for apartments with an area of over 120 square meters and houses with an area exceeding 200 square meters. The only exception is for children’s homes of family type and foster families. If a family car no more 5 years, the subsidies also do not see. And landlords obliged to specify in their declarations the income from the rental property.
TSN. Week
29 APR, 21:33
Recall, the government in late April, took a decision according to which in the next heating season grants will be issued in cash. This means that the recipient can keep in savings as a result of economical consumption of resources. So monetization will be an additional incentive for energy efficiency.
However, the move to monetization are possible only if the system of subsidies will be socially equitable state aid will go to those who really need it. Launched several years ago, the initiative to provide direct assistance to vulnerable populations in the form of subsidies proved its effectiveness. But over time, she was in need of improvement, especially in the direction of increasing targeting.
Verification (check) of subsidianes, which the Ministry of Finance has identified a number of systemic problems with subsidies. Given this, the government decided on introducing a number of changes to the program. They will reduce cases of abuse. Those who really need help will receive it in the future. But the people who just hide their income, will not be able to use the program and parasitize at the expense of taxpayers.
Luxury and rental income
In the cities, have grown more frequent cases of putting apartments for rent with a special bonus – designed subsidy for utilities. The owners not only get income but also the vehicles or other luxury items.
From now on the property if the family has a car, which is less than five years, in addition to moped and car provided by the body of social protection of the population, the subsidy will not be assigned.
In addition, rental income from property, in particular from the rental of the apartment, now it will also be necessary to specify in the Declaration of income – new column “other income”.
Large houses and apartments
There are apartments which go beyond the average and are classified as premium. Until recently they also made subsidies – on the basis that prescribed, for example, a single pensioner with a minimum pension. She obviously was not able to pay the full cost of services and asked the Commission on providing subsidies for excess area.
From may 1, 2018, a new rule: the grant will be cancelled if the area of the apartment is over 120 square meters, the house is 200 square meters, in addition to children’s homes of family type and foster families. The owners of such housing will pay for the service in full.
Shadow employment
Many Ukrainians work abroad, but ask for subsidies, declaring zero income.
Now who is really unemployed, you will need to be registered in the employment center. And those people of working age who applies for a grant, but not registered as unemployed because actually works without clearance in Ukraine or abroad, bodies of social protection the machine will be considered income in the three subsistence – 5286 UAH.
In the Ministry believe it will encourage Ukrainians to official employment, will contribute to shadowing and eliminate social injustice, when the subsidy actually received by people with fairly high incomes.
New social norms for gas and electricity
To promote energy saving since may 1, 2018, the social norm for gas heating is close to the actual consumption and will be 4.5 cubic meters per 1 square meter, heating – 30 kWh per 1 sq. m area. When assigning subsidies on the excess area of housing, the rate can be increased by not more than 30%.
Grants to internally-displaced persons
Internally-displaced persons is now able to issue a grant without a rental agreement – on the basis of statements and declarations, indicating the composition of the household. The statement will be an occasion for examination of material conditions, and the certificate of inspection – grounds for the appointment of subsidies.
Grants for residents of OTO
Simplified procedure for obtaining subsidies for residents of the United territorial communities. Now GRT have the right to take from citizens the documents for obtaining subsidies for their transfer to the bodies of social protection of the population. The mechanism repeats the practice of appeals to the village councils.
Bonuses for energy savings
The government will incentive for household savings at the end of this heating season. So, like last year, the monetization fall in savings by households 150 kilowatts of electricity, if this resource is used for heating, or 100 cubic meters of gas. In monetary terms this is almost 700 UAH. Subsidianes that economical use of the resources you have until 1 September to apply to the local Department of social protection of the population on the basis of which will be monetary rewards for energy efficiency.
Information on the availability of savings every subsidy recipient can track his payment or by reference to the supplier of gas or electricity if they are used for heating. Choose the method of obtaining funds you need yourself.
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