“He got a little bit worse.” Brother Nayem commented on the state of health of the people’s Deputy after the beating

“He got a little bit worse.” Brother Nayem commented on the state of health of the people’s Deputy after the beating
© The right to Vlad
Today, 15:39
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The Shevchenkovsky court of Kiev will elect the measure of restraint arrested for assault.
Today, may 2, Shevchenkovskiy district court of Kiev will elect the measure of restraint to detained for the attack on MP Mustafa Nayem.
As reported in court, on consideration received petitions on application of measures of restraint in form of detention in respect of: Saitova Magomed-Salikh of Abuevich, Temirbulatova of Umalta of Nixon, Saitova Ahmed Abubakarovicha – suspects under part 1 of article 122, part 2 of article 296 (suspected of Commission of hooligan actions concerning the people’s Deputy of Ukraine Mustafa Nayem Masi).
For the consideration of the Shevchenko district court of Kyiv received petitions on application of measures of restraint in…
Published by the Shevchenko district court of Kyiv on may 2, 2018
Brother MP Masi Nayyem also arrived at the court and briefly commented on the status of the victim.
“He got a little worse and it is unclear why elevated temperature. While everything,” said Masi Nayyem, the correspondent of TSN.
We will remind, the conflict occurred around 17:30 Monday, April 30, near the Bessarabsky market in downtown Kiev. Nye was moving by car in the direction of Bessarabska square. On the road it cut “Mercedes”, began to quarrel. At this moment they drove the BMW car. During the conflict one of the strangers punched the Deputy in the jaw. Criminals from a scene have disappeared. To search for car law enforcement officers entered the plan “Interception”. The three were detained. The man who hit MP Nayem, was declared wanted. Nayem was taken by ambulance to the hospital.
The TSN reporter Valeria Kovalinskaya
Videoconnect on the road: MP Mustafa Nayem was hospitalized with a broken jaw and concussion
On the eve of a road Deputy clipped another vehicle to resolve the conflict words failed the case went to fists. The three hooligans have been detained, one wanted until now. The details and consequences of the fight, not related to politics – further in the story.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:47
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