In Kiev’s “cyborg” stabbed in the back and wanted to finish with a hammer

In Kiev’s “cyborg” stabbed in the back and wanted to finish with a hammer
© Valentin Bondarenko / Facebook
Yesterday, 22:44
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The incident occurred at the hem.
In Kiev on the street Konstantinovskaya, 59/5, hem four men with covered faces attacked “cyborg”, the defender of the Donetsk airport Dmitry Verbica.
“Stabbed with a knife in my lower back. Then splattered in the face with gas and wanted to finish with a hammer. Alexander Chub came in a few minutes. The car was of military first aid kit, put a brace and took him to the regional (hospital). Now in a stable condition. Anyone who saw the attackers, please provide the information in a personal message”, – wrote in Facebook Deputy Romantico msica for volunteer Valentin Bondarenko.
The police confirmed that the incident occurred on the capital’s hem.
“Tonight, in the Department of surgery of the regional clinical hospital from the house No. 59/5 on the street Konstantinovskaya hospitalized man, in 1989 it was established that during the fight with the unknown (three boys and two girls) one of the attackers struck the victim with a sharp object in the back and used pepper spray. Now he was taken to the hospital and provide necessary medical care “, – stated in the message of Department of communication of the police of Kiev.
Law enforcement officers went to the hospital and to the Hem to determine the circumstances of the incident.
“Investigators examined the scene and saw the surveillance camera. On the tapes recorded of persons who can be involved in the Commission of the offense. If you find out images of individuals who have information about them or their location, please inform on the phone 102. The event has been duly registered, the question of legal qualifications, ” said the police.
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