Near Shyrokyne after attack by militants Ukrainian military lost

Near Shyrokyne after attack by militants Ukrainian military lost
The war in the East
Yesterday, 22:19
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The situation in the Donbass remains tense.
Near Shirokino under Mariupol after shelling by militants , the Ukrainian military lost.
On Wednesday announced the press center of the headquarters operations of joint forces (OOS).
“At 15: 45, near the village of Shirokino, near Mariupol after the shelling by enemy artillery detected the absence of one soldier of the United forces. The command is taking steps to investigation,” the statement reads.
Video surveillance the Donbas have commenced joint operations headquarters
Now with the militants of the Russian Federation, not terrorists will be at war with the army, police and border guards. The entire territory was divided into three zones, the most dangerous red. It will not let a civilian and even journalists. They promise to improve the network of engineering and fortifications, to increase the number of surveillance cameras, and most importantly – the armed provocations in the staff promise an adequate response.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:14
In General, the situation in the zone of the EP remains tense. The most aggressive behave militants near the settlements of zaytsevo, Avdiyivka, opytne, troitske, Water, Shirokino, Lebedinskoye. The Russian occupation troops used artillery and mortars, trying to displace units of the Ukrainian Armed forces from their positions.
As of 17:00 fighters 17 times used Minsk agreements prohibited weapons. Ukrainian military give an adequate response, the dead and wounded among the soldiers of the joint forces there.
“Most of the enemy’s firepower suppressed. In other areas, troops are in full combat readiness”, – stated in the message.
See also:
The leader of the “LNR” spoke about “hot phase” of the fighting in the Donbass
We will remind, on April 30 the anti-terrorist operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions was replaced by operation joint forces (OOS). The beginning of the last announced by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. What will change in the Donbass with the introduction of “special order”, read on Dnia.
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