In Kiev for the first time since the establishment of washed the monument to Princess Olga

In Kiev for the first time since the establishment of washed the monument to Princess Olga
Today, 01:16
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This involved a special technique and a dozen experts.
In the capital, wash monument to the glorious ruler of Kiev Princess Olga, and along with three of its neighbours – of the Apostle Andrew and the creators of the Slavic alphabet saints Cyril and Methodius. Cleaned four marble figures came with a dozen workers, says the story TSN.19:30.
She started with the pedestal, which was covered with white foam, and inch by inch were cleaned by means of special apparatus, and subsequently washed place of use of chemicals with water. Repeat this with the very monument is impossible, because detergents can only handle granite, and white marble can be washed with water only.
Video settings the centre of the capital made a bath day for the monument to Princess Olga and her neighbors
In Kiev washed Kiev’s ruler, and along with three of its neighbours – Andrew and parents of the Slavic alphabet Cyril and Methodius. The statue was capricious – even the most eco-friendly soap wasn’t good enough.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:48
To perform the job drove a water truck whose driver already has the necessary experience. “Washed Grushevskogo – okay, thank!”, – laughs Ivan. His colleagues, meanwhile, carefully clean the monument the pressure of the water under high pressure from the face and below. You have to wash away the dust and dirt that have accumulated over 20 years, it’s the first wash for the monument since its establishment. “We immediately see the effect,” washed compare the figure of Olga with the other workers.
See also:
In Kiev, a Museum of monumental propaganda
Authority district plans in the future to order a General wash of the monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky in the adjacent square. Workers cleaning company say that the washing procedure around the pedestal on Mikhaylovskaya square is not over, and on Friday there will elevate the whole ensemble, and also to paint the fence.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Mitin
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