A stroke behind the wheel: in Solomenskiy district two-faced bus

A stroke behind the wheel: in Solomenskiy district two-faced bus
© espreso.tv
Today, 16:31
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Doctors hospitalized one of the drivers with a suspected stroke
In Solomenskiy district of Kiev at one of the stops of public transport collided with two taxis, one of the drivers was taken to the doctors with a suspected stroke.
This is reported by “Vartov.Espresso”.
According to the driver of one of the routing means, he stood at a final stop, when suddenly behind him rode a different bus. When he went to ask what happened, we did not receive adequate response and immediately called an ambulance.
The police reported that the driver was hospitalized with a suspected stroke.
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Snidanok 1+1
20 Feb, 09:39
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