In the occupied Donbas delayed wages to miners and preparing mine closure

In the occupied Donbas delayed wages to miners and preparing mine closure
The war in the East
Today, 09:52
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The lack of spare parts, delayed salaries and poor supply of raw materials hinder the operation of enterprises.
The occupation authorities in the territory of Lugansk region are preparing to take a decision on the closure of the mine company “Rovenkianthracite”, which was “nationalized” by the militants.
As reported in his Facebook MP of Ukraine, coordinator of “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk, we are talking about stopping work mine them.Vakhrusheva. The reason for this decision may be the lack of parts to complete the work. Currently, of the four Lav on mine is only one.
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Flooding militants radioactive mines in the Donbass could become a second Chernobyl – Minister of ecology
In addition, there are delays in wages in the mines “Komsomolsky”, “No. 54” in the town of Anthracite. In Sorokino three months did not pay the salary to workers of mines “Samsonovskaya Zapadnaya”, “Sukhodolskaya East” “them. Barakova”.
Thus the lowest level of wages of workers of establishments of social protection of the population (average 2400,79 UAH), culture (2537,87 UAH), education (2896,9 UAH) and health (3080,24 UAH). From 1 October 2017 on the territory of the terrorist “LPR” set the minimum wage 1375,46 UAH, the salary of an employee of the I tariff category “Unified tariff discharges on payment of workers of budgetary sphere” is 1375,88 UAH.
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Mine workers in the Donbass refused to start work
In turn, on the territory of the occupied Donetsk region “Donetsk metallurgical plant” in a critical situation with the supply of raw materials for the stable operation of the enterprise. In this regard, the invaders dismantled metal structures of the abandoned facilities.
Earlier it was reported that the possible flooding of the militants mine “Yunkom” Donbas is a serious threat to environmental security not only of Ukrainebut also neighboring countries. “So, what is “play” action, is nothing but terrorism and political blackmail”, – said the Minister of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine Ostap Semerak.
Videoobservation power of “DNR” can cause an ecological disaster
Pseudo-Republic declared the flooding outside the mine “Yunkom”. Terrorists prefer to save the money, it is leaving the mine. However, this can lead to environmental disaster, experts say. With the level of water in the soil will be radioactive elements that for forty years after a nuclear explosion, lie deep under the ground.
TSN. 19:30
16 APR, 20:26
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