Police found the driver of the jeep, who flew into Kiev restaurant

Police found the driver of the jeep, who flew into Kiev restaurant
Today, 21:01
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The man was questioned and released.
In Kiev, the jeep crashed into the terrace of a restaurant on the Dnieper Embankment, and the driver quickly fled the scene of the accident. Surveillance cameras caught the driver a few seconds after the crash runs out of the car and rushes away, says the story TSN.19:30.
The police, who ran half a minute later, he saw in the cabin of the two minor children. They had minor injuries in the accident, subsequently to the place of events there arrived their mother. Enforcement officers found the driver, investigators interviewed him and released. Was there alcohol in his blood, not officially reported. According to TSN, the truck the man gave his comrade, who, in turn, also took a car to rent.
See also:
In Kirovograd in a terrible accident killed 4 people, including two young children
As previously reported, the car that was hit in this accident, the Toyota FJ Cruiser. The victims in the accident there.
Videopoke of road accident the driver of the jeep fled the scene, leaving his two children in the car
In Kiev, the jeep crashed into the terrace of the restaurant. A few seconds after tromi the driver ran from the SUV and ran away. The police, who ran half a minute later, he saw in the cabin of the two minor children with minor injuries. The fugitive already found and released.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 19:50
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