Business schemes of the Ukrainian prisons: slave labor of prisoners and the manipulation of accounting

Business schemes of the Ukrainian prisons: slave labor of prisoners and the manipulation of accounting
© The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for human rights
Yesterday, 23:09
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Prisoners complain of unbearable conditions and meager profit, and government officials suggest to legalize shady business.
Ukrainian prisoners complain of slave laborto which they were allegedly forced into areas of punishment. The journalists they spoke about working in hazardous industries without any means of protection and shadow schemes of illegal enterprises, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Sergei told that drags in the woodshop of the colony Board weighing at least 15 kg each. The day he takes about a ton of wood, and the hour of labor is worth a maximum of 15 hryvnia. “What to do”, – said the prisoner. The company produces pallets for Germany – send monthly production of 10 thousand euros, and in the hands of a person receives less than 2 thousand hryvnia.
Videoton tried to find out about the illegal business in places of deprivation of liberty
In the Internet appeared the video of prison labor in the production of household chemicals without spetzashita. Former inmates say that in jail there are still illegal production practices, and on the legal can act shady schemes.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:02
Behind bars officially operates 99 plants. In Hrensko correctional center # 133 documents specified processing of the polymer and the detergent industry, but captured the inmates live is seen in furnaces in the form of barrels burn coal from wood. Polymer production facility in acrid smoke manually melt different b/a Tara – observance of safety rules and sanitary rules say in this case is not necessary.
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The head of the penitentiary system Denis Chernyshov claims that have already seen the scandalous video, and in the colony passes the test. “I don’t comment until the internal review – we have to identify those responsible. Here we have to be careful not to frighten the culprit that we are hunting,” the mysterious said the Deputy Minister of justice.
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According to former prisoners, the shadow business is, almost every colony, and about the turnover there, we can only guess. “10% after accounting, for which he paid wages, taxes,” – says human rights activist Ruslan Eremenko. In General, prisoners are only optional, but the activity contributes to the early release, so officially on camera nobody complains. Interviews give the prisoners under the watchful eye of the guide, so it is especially Frank be does not allow. “We have no such that we are out of the norm work,” they assert.
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But this practice is – last year we opened 5 criminal proceedings in respect of illegal prison industries. “We see no adequate reaction by the authorities,” says human rights activist Andrei Didenko. But in the Ministry of justice say that the situation may be improved if their companies get government contracts, and management interest. “As most countries struggled with these phenomena? Is the legalization. If 10% of the profits to give to management, I can tell you that for a year or two we will see that all the businesses are profitable. They have no incentive and motivation to work super-efficiently,” – said Deputy Minister Denis Chernyshov.
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At the same time in the Ministry believe that the convicted should be required to busy with work or studies. Workers even want to count three days four days the punishment is three months closer to the behest for the year. Correct whether it’s criminals, however, there are no guarantees.
The correspondent TSN Valentine Goodness
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