The Prosecutor’s office will insist on the detention of the head, “RIA Novosti Ukraine”, who is suspected of treason

The Prosecutor’s office will insist on the detention of the head, “RIA Novosti Ukraine”, who is suspected of treason
Today, 06:35
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Will be solved a question on election of a preventive measure.
The head of “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky declared about suspicion in Commission of high treason (part 1 of article 111 UCU) and he was detained in order St. 208 criminal procedure code.
About this Facebook reported the press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko Larisa Sargan.
The head of “RIA Novosti Ukraine” Kirill Vyshinsky declared suspicion in Commission of high treason (part 1 of article 111 UCU) and…
Published by Larisa Sargan on may 15, 2018
“Will decide on election of a preventive measure. The Prosecutor’s office will insist on the detention,” – said in the message.
See also:
The OSCE reacted to the searches, the SBU in the office of “RIA Novosti Ukraine”
Videosby detained the head of the Russian news Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine”
Kirill Vyshinsky suspected of treason. Investigators say Moscow he generously paid for anti-Ukrainian activities – 50000 € monthly, Russian citizenship and a medal for the Crimea. In the office of the propaganda media, the law enforcement officers conducted searches and say – have all the necessary evidence.
TSN. Pdsmi day
Today, 00:26
We will remind, security Service of Ukraine on 15 may gave a search in the Kyiv office of the information Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine”. Militiamen accused the media of conducting a hybrid information war against Ukraine. Later it became known that law enforcement agencies carry out investigative actions with the journalist of the Agency Kirill Wyszynski.
According to the public Prosecutor of Igor Lutsenko, the investigation has evidence of a “well-paid anti-Ukrainian attacks”, which are planned with participation of propagandists of the Kremlin’s intelligence services.
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