“You have to beat the first” Ukrainian people’s deputies openly spoke about the participation in the fights

“You have to beat the first” Ukrainian people’s deputies openly spoke about the participation in the fights
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Yesterday, 23:58
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Politicians believe that to protect the best reception – a few professional security guards.
Not all MPs know that their colleague Moustapha nayem went in the center of Kiev during a traffic conflict with a group of men. So the journalists decided to ask, was there a time in the life of politicians fighting and how much they now have security guards, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“Not beaten, in that sense,” says Yatsenko. “Once beaten” – says in opposition to him Tretyakov. He adds that it hurts. “I’m hard to beat, I’m big, but if a lot of them, of course,” he explained. Kisse konkretisiert that had conflicts in the era of the formation of capital. “And beaten, and received is a normal thing. In the 1990s,” – said the Deputy.
Videodatarate told how often they got it in the nuts
The deputies if they fight, among themselves, as mere mortals untouchables impossible. The journalists of TSN asked the people’s representatives, how many guards to protect them and whether they are involved in fights in comandato life.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:10
Dobkin admitted that the conflict was only in his youth, and now he can suffer just a cat. “Recently the cat got me – the snake, stole food from the table,” – said the politician. An example of restraint gives a colleague in Parliament. “Honestly, I really want someone to beat sometimes, but I restrain myself,” admits Cermakova.
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In the city of Nikopol with pistols shot two deputies
It has no barriers, he’s – he remembered the fight with Shufrych in the Parliament. Another arena of parliamentary showdown knows Vilkul. “On TV everyone saw when my back was attacked by Parasyuk. He had a man’s answer,” – said the opposition leader and said that in such situations, it counts on your driver, who will “have your back”.
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1 Mar, 09:56
First of all the focused Novinsky. “It was. Won’t these moments to remember. If you see that the fight can not be avoided, should be hit first – that’s all,” he says. Master class of self-defense has picked up and the politician – he explained that you need to beat in the jaw, because this is the only place that cannot be trained out.
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To protect the deputies suggest particularly reliable guards: in Fishing there are two of them, Mosiychuk protects public service, Novinsky says about the two “visible”, but now the number both do not want to disclose. Tretyakov is one, but is aware that it is rather the accompaniment than the robust security. “Just an assistant who travels with me. One man is no security. It may be against bullies hold while I run away” – he sneers.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy
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